You call others ignorant, yet you've pulled this PS4+Vita mention out of nowhere, and are basing your entire point around it? Smooth, real smooth.
You call others ignorant, yet you've pulled this PS4+Vita mention out of nowhere, and are basing your entire point around it? Smooth, real smooth.
Microsoft have already confirmed it themselves,
Pretty much. The system ties each game to your account as they're all installed, so if you want to tie it to another account (because you lent it to a friend) then you'd have to pay for the privilege. So yep, no used games.
Maxboy, ol' buddy, I think your sarcasm detector is on the fritz. ;)
Oh, yes, absolutely. I saw that bit. The catch is how many of those are real, meaty games, and not casual Kinect atrocities. The potential is there, but it's still hard to trust them considering the post-2010 360. I'll keep an open mind until E3, but given that it blocks used games, still requires a subscription for…
Haha, you and me both. The 360 was clearly a trojan horse to get a Microsoft TV box into everyone's living rooms, and they've succeeded, now they're pushing even harder in that direction, so I really hope they remember that it's a games console first and foremost.
So, you still have to play for online play, you can't play used games, and Kinect is mandatory? I think I'll find it extremely easy to pass up on this console, unless the vast majority of those 15 exclusives aren't casual Kinect bollocks.
The difference is that if you give that same game to your friend, they can install the chunk and play without issue. Here, you can't lend your game to a friend, because it's already locked to your account and you have to pay for the privilege of linking the game to another account.
Oh, it definitely makes more sense, if they can come out at E3 with a fuckton of new games, they'll be fine, but if they come out then and still disappoint on the games front, it's not going to look great for them.
Hard to trust that though, given that they've said it plenty of times before. The "15 exclusives in first year" statement was pretty bold, though. If they can deliver on that, and have at least half of them not be casual Kinect bollocks, it just might be worth buying into.
Well duh! Why would you watch a console reveal and expect games? It's all about everything-but-games.
I'm quite keen for this, but it's a shame that it hits in 2014, the Vita's pretty desperate for a few more hard-hitting exclusive games this year. Killzone: Mercenary and Tearaway are both looking to be pretty great, but there's literally nothing for the platform between now and Killzone in September. Even if they…
Looks like it'll be well-ventilated, at the very least. That's reassuring.
It's all about the games for me. Always has been, always will be. Due to that, I'm much more likely to get a PS4 than a new Xbox, because over the years Sony have consistently supported their core audience with a huge amount of exclusive games, covering a huge range of genres. Microsoft started out great with the 360,…
I don't want a Wii U, but it's far from doomed. At E3 it will have a price cut as well as the announcements of Mario Kart, Smash Bros, new Mario 3D, Yoshi's Yarn, Retro's new game and more besides, and everything will be just fine after that.
Eh, agree to disagree, I guess. I'm glad you enjoyed the game so much!
And, as a musician, I'd disagree with you. Having those same lyrics come back time and time again just draws attention to the fact that the music is looping repeatedly, whereas with a typical soundtrack piece, you wouldn't notice at all, as you're not constantly thinking, "Oh, we're back to that line already". I could…
I don't think they'll go with Japanese games again. It won them a lot of brownie points last time, but it didn't make any difference for them in Japan, and they probably think anyone wanting JRPGs will just buy a PS4 anyway, as Sony's always been better-supported on that front.
I think it's just a sign that Microsoft have alienated a lot of the fans they earned with the 360's early performance. Ever since Kinect launched in 2010, the 360's been more a media centre than a dedicated games console, with very little in the way of worthwhile exclusive content, and that's definitely done them a…
Oh, no, there were definitely more bad tracks than good ones. The composer made a bad call, and failed to write a game soundtrack at all. Scoring games is completely different to scoring any other kind of media, the composer doesn't know how long a player is going to spend in a particular area, so the music for that…