
You are a tool.

Kid should sue Microsoft.

Because Microsoft shouldn't have been shitty assholes in the first place.

Yeah, google are fucking scumbags. They keep making excuses.. but fuck them, they should have a bit of spine, considering that they try and position YouTube as the voice of the people.

We're going time-traveling, folks. Old heroes, old villains, and settings familiar to the players of the original Warcraft: Orcs and Humans and the two games and expansion that followed.

mkv fine container is very useful for consolidating media files as well. Because buying things on discs still tends to be way cheaper, but having them stored on a hard drive makes things way easier to work with.

Ah, I wasn't paying attention to the part of that explanation.

They've done something fun with bees.

Yeah, I'm waiting on Benchmarks, as if it does do some magical things, it might be worth it.

Yeah, I'm waiting on Benchmarks, as if it does do some magical things, it might be worth it.

Yeah, but I feel like it won't be insanity like Wii 2006.

This is Lord of the Rings to me. Wow

I think it's a brilliant commentary on american culture.

I think there are too many green.. whatever those thingies are.

I liked Dead Rising for the first hour or so, before I could notice that it was a bad game.

The next step is calling up the anti-choice people and seeing if they would like to donate to charities that help children, because well.. they heard that they cared about kids, right? right? Oh.. I guess they are just anti-choice assholes who don't actually care about children and are just idiots who go "bgebklgwbk

Seriously.. anyone have access to a high end plagiarism detection program? As I feel like the asshole did.

Yeah, that whole "I want to like it, I should like it, I don't like it?" that always bums me out when it happens with a game.

GTA V is announcing it's release date the day after you are able to return your copy of GTA V if you haven't purchased it yet.

There's been some concern over Dead Rising 3's new, darker look. People fear that the series has ditched its sense of goofiness in favor of a boring, gritty tone. After playing a couple of single-player missions and pantsing around in the game's zombie-infested open world, I don't get the sense that this is the case.

I don't think anyone has been expecting much from Crytek's Roman-themed stab-em-up Ryse: Son of Rome. So when I started playing, I was pleasantly surprised to find that on a basic level, it's pretty fun. You hit one button to bash with your shield, one button to slash with your sword, and a third button to block.