Man, shut the fuck up.
There is something off about you.
It’s about ethics in turf judging.
Oh man, I read the whole piece just waiting to get to the comments because I knew somebody was going to be supreme butthurt over that line. Thank you, HeyYouGuys, for realizing that dream.
...but it is a game full of white people. And after playing Dragon Age Inquisition or any Bethesda title, it does kind of stick out how endlessly white The Witcher is in comparison. I love the game, but it is what it is.
Good news: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a really cool game. Bad news: It’s dense and complicated as hell, and…
The theory of Bruce Banner in the suit is also valid, because being a Founding Avenger maybe he didn´t catch the fact that Janet put the name on the group...
Good call on Rick Jones, Evan. That’s the best theory I’ve heard so far, especially seeing as he was recently cured of his Gamma radiation powers.
What’s amazing is they then like to bring in the ‘we have a right to say what we want!’ argument.
Yeah, TotalBiscuit’s short summary makes me want to actually try it now. A boss-rush game where the only progression is unlocking more bosses is so fun. It’s part of the reason why I liked Skyward Sword so much.
“I can no longer be objective about this issue because you don’t like me.” That makes no sense at all. Either be a professional or GTFO.
Skin color still does not make a race, and Black or White or Asian as no proper meaning for a scientist who classify earth population, whatever he's American or not. International Scientist terminology is the only one relevant here. The fact that americans have a really near history of extreme racial prejudice, (Oh…
Or they can put you in a position to question your and challenge identity, and maybe you'll learn something.
I'm ok with racist white murricans being stuck with what they hate.
You are my favorite commenter on Kotaku.
The treatment of these tiny studios underneath major publishers is abhorrent. Workers being given crazy hours and no overtime pay, bonuses being withheld, and studios being shut down even after successful products are shipped. The entire industry seems highly Unethical. If ONLY there existed a group whose main…