
My eldest wants one. So much so, we have thought about printing one.

Why isn’t there an affordable mass market Kuchi Kopi toy/nightlight?

Bodegas, at least in my city, are a necessity and all have some specialty. The closest one sells fresh Mexican bread and has an illegal gambling machine. A few blocks away there is one that has a lot of Indian foods, including frozen prata, nan, and those fantastic bags of spicy snacks. Near a friends house the

I was just saying to my spouse that our eldest is just old enough to like the show and not care about the terrible effects. On the other hand there was a homophobic banter, at least I remember that, from the cop character.

We are entering the age of viruses because we now have the technology to do so. A virus can be like a trained dog, cutting out most of one kind of pathogen. Viruses can destroy particular kinds of cells, perhaps a single type of bacteria.

Kids. In addition to food and attention, they gobble up time; they are totally worth it!

I hear the theme music as Godzilla slowly hits the ground. And yet, because media can be replayed, re-experienced, remembered, reinterpreted, and redone I know that Godzilla will rise again, and in so will Haruo Nakajima’s interpretation and performances live on, not just as they were shot, but also as thunderous

I am a walker and don’t bore easily. I always have my thoughts and often walking is also meditation. That all said, I offer another way to get motivated to walk. Make it an experience.

Also, love your screen name.

She is, all the women on both sides of our family are. Her mother, my near deaf machete carrying grandmother, is close to 100 and picks up rattle snakes and moves them to the side of trail on her morning walks. My kids have good family role models. All of the women and men in the family aren’t perfect, but many are

“She’s a weird sort of LA landmark that moves.” - IAmNotANumber7

It very well could backfire on McDonald’s. I give you one of many possible outcomes.

I am looking forward to finding an airline that will package a bottle for me before I return home.

When my girls are sick, I sit up with them at night and we watch the same shows. My oldest daughter loves Gamera and Godzilla, and “flying squirrel”. (It was Rocky and Bullwinkle and monster movies for me and I found them comforting.) Recently, after a terrible bout of was likely norovirus, she turned to me and

As an adult my sister is still creeped out out by Talky Tina, from the Living Doll episode of The Twilight Zone. It’s the only episode she won’t sit though.

As a kid, I had asthma. Medication back then wasn’t’t particularly effective, tasted awful, and had significant side effects. I spent many long nights fighting for breath, checked in by parents who tended my humidifier and their worries with regularity, wondering if I would die.

Never underestimate the power of age combined with spite to overcome obstacles.

When I was a kid, we fidgeted with stuff we already had, like lead and DDT.