
Proselytism is one of the things my parents cared little for. One perspective is that it only spreads hate, fear and misinformation. My father was raised in a very religious household. I watched him go quote for quote, verse for verse, with some people that came to our door to convert us. They refused to leave at

Part of the storyline in Kult the Heretic was the idea the written knowledge was bad. Beyond being a grind, it was fun game with a great mechanic, that of shifting into the spirt world. It was also centered around a culture that was atheist, and the main character’s job is to find religious heretics (those with

I get what you are saying, but what exactly makes a camera, or any tool, serious? Cost? Quality of image? Use? Does it has to be the peak of technology at the time it was released? Perhaps a serious camera can be used to earn a living. Is it training? Is it intent?

It also works with mason jars if one has the adapters. Note if you use it on the smaller diameter jars, it works best if one inverts a lid and places it on top of properly oriented lid. Long and short, the small jar adapter is worth it, but it was hit or miss at to it working until I figured this out. Part of the

It also works with mason jars if one has the adapters. Note if you use it on the smaller diameter jars, it works

I talk to a federal attorney as a kid at one of those, “teens run a mock parallel government for a week”. His take was that the pardons and commutations were political, but often they were tools for ending legal thorns that nobody in power wants to deal with. He also explained the difference between letter of the

I’m betting it will be a full house.

Unless you want to have a bag that doesn’t look like it’s carrying an expensive camera or has features that most camera bags don’t have.

I have always found this picture useful. I have long wanted to silk-screen it on fabric to use. (Originally I saw it on Lifehacker 10+ years ago, or something similar looking.)

I am going out on a limb here, and noting there is another side to the device that the blanket wouldn’t be covering.

I just checked the local library.

Just look around you. Do you see what we are looking for?

Durable and easy to work on seems to be the people choice and the hallmark of any prefered vehicle that uses unimproved roads.

I know it won’t always be a disaster, but if one loves the person enough to invite them to the wedding, then I love them enough not to have them work. There are other reasons, mostly having to due with reducing bias and business.

Our wedding was small, but we had a friend that was a photographer and he gave us some tips.

I had an Aerogarden for some time at two different apartments. At my first apartment it was the only option I had beyond getting a plot at a community garden. I was able to compare food grown in the Aerogarden to that grown outside over a year. In short, the Aerogarden was quicker but the veggies and herbs didn’t

I’m married to my best friend now, and this was all a long time ago.

I loved 43things while it was up and running. While it was up and running, I completed a good number of goals. I also learned what goals were worth making a priority. It was nice to simultaneously post my goals, share my progress, help others, and yet be anonymous. In then end I wrote some >50,000 words documenting my

Even if used “perfectly” they is a chance they could be lethal.