My grandmother would have layered the two Jello's, with mayo in-between. Perhaps garnished with USB drives, but she definitely would have used mayo.
My grandmother would have layered the two Jello's, with mayo in-between. Perhaps garnished with USB drives, but she definitely would have used mayo.
@Justin: "This is BBC4. Tonight on Look Around You we explore the latest research into the purpose of The Pyramids. It turns out that they were the Egyptian equivalent of a Tesco. Pam will explore just how the pharos queued, but was it for their mains or just their bits?"...
"Smithers, I've designed a new plane. I call it the "Spruce Moose", and it will carry two hundred passengers from New York's Idyllwild Airport to the Belgian Congo in seventeen minutes!
@FrankenPC: CD's are easily copied, and thus possession should be criminalized also.
Good for Gizmodo and for you for posting your blunder. Perhaps the lining of journalistic integrity is starting to show through again.
Outlaw paperclips. Obviously in this age where staplers are ubiquitous there is no valid reason to have paper clips. It's clear that only criminals and the ill-informed carry paper clips these days .
@Jay Phelps: Many of the new digital locks have this problem. The only solution is to jam the key hole with a non-functional partial key.
[Modified Konami Code redacted]
Advertising win for Joby.
@Hooray4Zoidberg: I always thought that "blink" was the thing.
My view is this. An OS is an OS and a UI is a UI. It's possible to add any UI to most new OS's. For OS X to die, it would have to migrate away from Unix and the current mechanisms employed to create a robust OS. That's possible. I don't even disagree with you that OS X is on the way out, but the next OS will have…
Strongis not supported by all browsers, but it may be that it is on what ever sanctioned browser that the DPKR allows. Alternatively, they could be hoping that the visually impaired are using a TTS engine that recognizes the "strong" tag hoping that it will yell at them.
@MonkeyBiz: It's neat how lasers can be used to slow atoms. There are several methods, from bleeding off energy, to trapping atoms in standing waves, to causing atoms to absorb photons as to slow them down.
It's like an episode of Knight Rider where the molecular formula for Kitts indestructible shell is dived among several people. What could go wrong?...
What do you mean it was defeated with some duct tape?
Some puff paints and a bedazler can solve your problem.
Somewhere in the past a Zen master spoke, "A rock is a rock. It has neither knows it is a rock nor determins that it is a rock. It is simply a rock. As it..."
@beamin445: I'll remember that.
@Almightywhacko: Art rhymes with fart.
@waclark57: No, so many games like that suffer from that problem. There are maps that are easier.