
preexisting condition?

ya but still stuck with buddy hield

should be the easiest (and stupiest) part of the job

Please. He knows gay/straight/bi/whatver are into him. Yugely. He’s the handsomist.

You can watch it. It’s actually a non-story. I was expecting something, anything, but this was a nothing incident.

Trust me, i LOVE bashing Trump, but I’m not sure what was so bad about this exchange.

Right? I struggle with the idea that me, as a man, can’t say “I like that outfit” without the fear of it being construed as sexual. Which often it really, really isn’t.

I’m married. I’m not interested. At all. Told my boss. He laughed. Great. Fast forward to me sitting in an HR meeting for upsetting her for not wanting to hear her shit anymore.

i find your unawareness of hairpulling insulting.

“I don’ think the office is an appropriate time to discuss politics”

I laughed.

no video?

This might encourage me to become a ref, if only to start tossing out parents.

bahhahaha, remember when apple was form over function? Now their neither. This is UGLY.

don’t forget that he dresses like an idiot off the court. Like everything he does: it’s about him and damn the people around him.

I prefer guys that don’t just stuff their stats and make their teams better. Oh well.

I hope his speech was all about how he shouldn’t have won the award.

Ha! Nice try :)

Ha! Nice try :)

I believe it’s WWF, professional wrestling.