
at what?

Is this guy getting marketting advice from lebron’s posse? This is worse than the decision!!

Since lane-splitting is legal, you just have to understand that bikes will be driving there.

That is really, really terrible logic. If you’re splitting lanes, you’re even harder to see than if you were where the drivers expected you.

Sounds fair to me.

Is it not the same game with just fewer players?

“kiss our ass” I think you mean, stick a finger in with regards to frats.

Love these guides, thank you!

Thank you. But really all this study seems to say is that by motorcycles cutting in line the reduce the number of cars in traffic. Which makes some sense, but that also states this only makes sense to do in high density traffic. Specifically not in moving traffic, where the safety aspects being to out weigh the

No, a cash-only lane would be equivalent to a HOV or Bike lane. What these motor cycles are doing is setting up their own register and line and using that one. 


There are already marked lanes on the highway, why are motorcyles allowed to create a new one? Seems wildly dangerous to me. (I get that it’s legal, not the question or argument). It seems like it’s akin for a car to decide to use the shoulder or breakdown lane as they see fit.

Do you have one of these studies? I can’t fathom how this makes thing BETTER to have vehicles travelling in unmarked lanes.

How do you figure?

so you’d think they’d be more aware of this then

A trump getting sued? What a shocking development...

maybe more than you...

maybe more than you...

you can opt out you weirdo

the entire bathing suit area is the vajayjay