@Southrncomfortjm: Luckily he stole an Omega watch.
@Southrncomfortjm: Luckily he stole an Omega watch.
My mate's dad did something similar to this. He was a truck driver and he would nab or one or two of whatever he was carrying. His reasoning was "they won't notice if one from a couple of hundred go missing." He was bloody right too.
The music side of this sounds fantastic, but I'm worried about how it will play in game.
It'll have to be a prequel to keep things making sense, seeing as there is so many different endings. Things wouldn't really make any sense if you've finished the game with everybody dead.
@eatsleepdie: Better?
@Yossarian: This is hard hitting stuff! Lets hope Blendtec are on the case..
Bollocks: replied to the wrong person.
Awww.. I was hoping they were going to bring out Richard Simmons for EA Active.
@guspaz: One of the guys arguments against Mobigame's EDGE was that the game play was very similar to one of their most popular games (Bobby Bearing), yet you only need to look at the screenshots of his forthcoming game 'RACER' to see he is a hypocrite. The screens show a game that is a blatant rip off of WipeOut,…
For a dude who seems to wear copyright-infringement patterned pyjamas to bed at night, he seems to have missed the obvious comparison/plagiarism of Wipeout with his new game RACERS.
@bobtheduck: God forbid if anyone tries to develop 'Blade at World's Edge'
I love Mobigame's stance in this situation.
@mr ziege: I've never really saw Kotaku as a news source site. Technically, that's its primary function, but it's not the reason I visit the site every 15 minutes.
I can't help but read the guy's lines with a west country accent. It fits so well!
He speak bad England.
@XavierHarkonnen: Console exclusive content for a multi-platform game is a bit like comparing penis size: although one might think that they have bragging rights, both are fully equipped to have plenty of fun.
@SuperSonik: The drums will be amazing.