This is a real shame as I have been going to Woolies ever since I was little. If this deal does go through and the UK is riddled with with Gamestops and GAME alike, then it shall be a very sad day.
By the year is through I'm certain that the US president to be will be Basack Obama, everybody's favorite breakfast will be PopSacks, and we will be paying for things will Sackos - the cutest money there is!
I love Metro. Its the only paper I can stomach to read.
Don't you just hate it when you run out of human waste to fire at unsuspecting citizens? Well, hate no more - Introducing the Poop-a-Shooter!
I bet he's elbows deep in the three 'p's - piss, poop and puke.
"If no, then get back to work!!"
Well, Xbox and Wii are both out getting fixed at the moment with no idea how long they'll be, so it might be a very PS3y Christmas.
Wow, what a morbid post combo.
"ASAP? Fuck'em, I'm installing Vista."
If they ever did a UK Child's Play event Id be there in a flash!
If this is just car number 1, we can only WONDER what the other 3 will be!
Its Egypt, you silly cow!
On the car journey to France I vomited into my clear cased Gameboy so that all the vomit chunks where visible through the transparent casing.
I remember when a bunch of kids in high school got Mew somehow back on Blue and Red. When even they left their Gameboys lying around I used to try and transfer the Mew over to my game.
I know I can't speak for this kid, but when I play COD I don't usually catch a glimmer of friendship and hope of a better life in the eyes of the enemy solider that I have just knifed to death.