FACT:When playing this game your phone automatically texts your entire phonebook to inform them of your untimely death.
"Unleash moves inspired by Chuck Norris' real-life powers including flaming fists, roundhouse kick takedowns, and throwing cars".
On the first video there seems to be some sort of aircraft type thing in the sky. Does this mean we could be seeing some kind of air support attack like in COD4? That'll be sweet.
I hope the UK's Platinum range has the same content as this, and not just Super Rubadub.
What he doesn't mention is that 400,000 of these creatures are different variations of a penis.
Its saddening that someone somewhere believes this kind of shit.
I can see interactive cut scene becoming the norm come next year or something.
I'm pretty impressed with this, especial seeing that it hits TOINGHT!
Maybe I was taught Mathematics all wrong, but since when has 12 been between 8 and 10??
You got bullet-time in my MaxPayne trailer!
They look a bit StarWars-y. Pretty though.
Am I the only one who thinks Snake shouldn't be in it, period?