Days of my Flerm

It really burns my noodle when people who have benefited from good luck, good health care and/or won the genetic lottery take their good fortune as proof that they have somehow found the Holy Grail of parenting, and proselytize whatever kinky path they've taken as The Way.

The police officer replied and said "I don't know, but the law is the law and you're under arrest." <—a pretty white way to think when you're not a big thinker; besides, I bet there are white people who "truly empathize" and want to make an effort to show it, and college students who think or know that certain topics

Hi, I'm Turbotastic and this is This Internet Life.

This story, relayed in an accessible but compelling manner, offers surprising insight into the human condition.

Something I've learned from 12 years of dating with varying degrees of success: tell the truth. Say you like someone if you like them. Explain your position in an argument in a calm and linear way. If your partner responds badly/nonsensically to logic and honesty, or if they shut down, they are not in a place for a

No, because pretending things don't exist and living in ignorance is almost as bad as celebrating it. We can look at Gone With the Wind as a good example of Hollywood's attitude toward race in the early twentieth century.

I would go just so I could fashion a curtain rod dress.

(Because I just don't want to dignify this chick with a more intellectual response.)

That was the first thought that came to my mind too...about the sleep. Seriously, lady, you're telling me you have time to workout, but you can't get a full nights sleep? That's a problem.

You might not have a nanny, but you have a supportive partner, and that's a huge step up.
Also, if you say you're promoting health as a top priority, stop wearing your lack if sleep like a badge of honour. What you're promoting is abs and shame.

Having been on a hiring committee at a small, private, liberal arts school, this is exactly the sort of email that would get a hard "no" because the candidate clearly has no idea what the department needs out of a TT hire. You're being hired primarily to teach, so asking for fewer new preps and a pretenure sabbatical

Of course, because health is perfectly indicated by your ability to look good in spandex.

Absolutely. I am a department chair at a mid-sized state university in the Midwest, and therefore have been involved in faculty searches multiple times. If I were to receive this kind of "counter-offer", while it might not drive me all the way to rescinding the offer, it would definitely give me pause. And it has

Oh man, I want to be with her on this, as a person who will one day, hopefully, be on the academic market (provided I learn to rein in the procrastination), but I think she most definitely communicated her lack of fit with the college by listing these particular (and many) conditions. Negotiable starting year? Tough

I'm with you to an extent. I think it's absolutely horrible that they rescinded her offer. They could have come back to her and tried to talk to her and explain why some of her requests weren't possible. And yes, the maternity leave thing is fishy and makes it seem that it might not have been the best working

The Benkof Technique reminds me of the tale of the segregationist slime who owned Glen Echo Park, a lovely little amusement park and ballroom just outside of the really nice corner of Washington, DC. The owner apparently shut down his amusement park in the late 50's when he found he couldn't stave off integration any

Anyone have concerns about taking career advice from a 28-year old?

Callie, I'm really disappointed that L.C. didn't actually shave her head. Like super disappointed. I might have to leave work early.

Looks more like a boogie boart.