Do you suppose sites like Jezebel have anything to do with women feeling that there's nothing to be gained and much to be lost in seeking justice?
Do you suppose sites like Jezebel have anything to do with women feeling that there's nothing to be gained and much to be lost in seeking justice?
You really shouldn't be depending on emergency services for peace of mind.
The only thing that's coming to mind is Fallout 3, where the sex-workers at least have dialogue and as much character as anybody else.
I honestly don't think I would trust people to be honest about whether or not they were flirting. I mean, on a scientific level. What this study really says is whether or not people agree that one of them was flirting.
Agreed that there should be more than one woman on the team. And Wonder Woman can't be the only woman on the team because her whole character is based around gender issues and you can't have the only woman on the team defined by her gender issues.
Historically, men have been encouraged to do things that are impressive precisely because they might get you killed or injured, and the inclination seems to be present in the demographic. Whether or not this inclination is already part of the masculine condition, or whether it's the result of all that encouragement,…
But is drinking, or binge-drinking, really a guy thing?
They also seem to have trouble socializing with each other, I've noticed. The hippies and the rednecks and the ones in suits.
But everybody's willing to talk about gun control. People are constantly talking about gun control.
People killing each other over other people that aren't even alive?
That was really funny!
Squares. What can you do?
Set to get married in a couple of weeks. Suddenly, shooting starts. In his position, I think I would have hesitated just due to the overwhelming cliche of it. Congratulations on not being a cinematic trope, man.
Ha! I had that same thought.
I was wondering about that, too. At this rate, I suspect they'll have an entire episode that's just Pia in stocks.
Is it worse to be raped or killed?
But in the books, she does enjoy her first sexual encounter with Drogo. He gives her a choice (or at least appears to — it could be the only word he knows): "No?"
I think the problem might be that rape is less controversial in many circles than consensual sex would be.