
This seems incredibly brave to me. They're putting their lives at risk, aren't they? Saudi Arabia's got some very, shall we say, passionately convicted assholes that desperately oppose every attempt by women to act like adult human beings. These ladies are now heroes of mine.

Your math makes sense. I'm not sure that an average person can easily get laid with a different person every month. It might seem that way to people that can, though. Or maybe it just doesn't seem that way to people that can't? I think that to most of us — although, again, maybe it's just me — finding sex partners

I seriously think that ten partners is more than many people experience in a lifetime, let alone a year. I guess I could be totally wrong, though.

That's exactly what you're doing, and it endangers women even more than it endangers men. It dehumanizes everyone. You have absolutely zero way of knowing what happened, but when you hear a story about two drunk people having some amount of sex, you declare that the man was a rapist. That's irresponsible and very,

Yes, exactly. Nobody should be treated like that, regardless of their plumbing.

"Your friend raped a woman ..."

Huh. I thought the people I knew were pretty normal. I don't think I know a single person who has slept with three digits worth of people. I don't think most of the people I know have slept with more than ten.

Most of the men you hang out with have HUNDREDS of sexual partners?

I always figured that science fiction was fiction about science. It doesn't have to be purely about science, it can also have romance and tragedy and whatever, but if there's no science, there's no science fiction. This is why Star Trek (often) is science fiction, 'cause it's (often) about some scientific idea. And

Not that I don't get your point, I just felt compelled to point out that if the government shutdown goes on for a little while, it's entirely probable that someone could lose a limb because of it.

"Marriage is the penalty for shoplifting in some countries."

I can offer no statistics ... but what you describe (women not seeking out anal) is NOT my experience. Just sayin'.

I disagree with her in regards to the inherent lack of substance of pop music and fashion. Those things are inherently lacking in substance, which is why it's pop music, and fashion rather than style. There are rare exceptions, but they're like a stopped clock being right.

So who has the military power in space to enforce anyone's claim?

Why are nerds into kinky sex?

Do you ever tell people that you're from America?

Admitting to fear is courageous, that's true.

I'm saying that being afraid is not an inherent condition of womanhood. It's definitely not a condition of feminism. Anybody, of either (or any) gender can be confident in their own strength. A woman alone with a drunk man — or a man alone with a drunk person of either gender, for that matter — might very well be

Denied. It's not the truth. On average, a man has more upper body strength than a woman. But between individuals, that average means nothing. And even if a man is bigger and stronger, that still doesn't mean she should be afraid. Ask any man if he's automatically afraid of every man that's bigger and stronger

I'm not advocating men's rights. I'm advocating the idea that women are the equals of men in every regard. If you think you're too much of a manly man to ever be equaled by a woman, if you think that you're always the dangerous one whenever you're in a room with a woman, I think you're being a chauvinist. And naive.