
Some species don't age, they just die under the crushing weight of all the ennui.

Is this the worst movie trailer VO or what? I can barely understand theatrical grandpa.

I will respectfully disagree. I know some approach Prometheus like it's The Shining as described in Room 237 and argue that the latest Alien movie is an allegorical masterpiece that references several books of the Old Testament, several books of the New Testament, Babylonian mythology, Paradise Lost, etc., but for me

Hands down the best

One of the worst was this scene:

We worry about embittered, angry individuals who look to do the world harm. But just as much damage could be done by someone who thinks they're doing the world good.

Being Daniel Ratcliffe?

Its simple.

"Now," said my dog, "you sit."

Human rights abuses in the Middle East? I'm totally shocked.

How is this any different from how all those massive buildings got built in Dubai, U.A.E.? How is this actually news? How does this shock anyone? I'm glad there's awareness and I'm glad there's outrage, but it seems odd to single out one stadium, when this is such common practice throughout that area when

I'm sure Qatar handed Fifa a nice sum of money to get away with this and still hold the World Cup.

From "Consider Phlebas", the death of Vavatch Orbital (not technically a spaceship, but my goodness, the writing is amazing):

Prometheus...only because it felt like a metaphor of the whole movie.

That's easy. The destruction of the Rodger Young in Starship Troopers:

That is hilarious.

Crown Point, OR. USA Built in 1938.

Good one! Great fun milSF/F series, and available for free on a few sites.

The Atrocity Archives by Charles Stross and the rest of the Laundry series.