
Did you miss the part where he tried to brain someone with a sock full of pennies in defense of his plan to eat without paying and stick the minimum wage wait staff with the bill? He obviously wasn't too ill to come up with a plan to eat for free or come up with a plan to seriously injure anyone that tried to stop him.

This might be more true than you realize. Drunk drivers don't tense up in an accident, which causes less damage to them physically, and after a traumatic injury don't go into shock as easily, increasing chances of survival.

Oh Yee of little integrity.


Inside a mall? Interesting.

Passed a Tesla S in a parking spot at lunch today that had a personal plate - 'NO FUEL'.


I believe it's Debbie does Dallas.

"What's that on your uniform?!"

Tetris should have rotated counter-clockwise and moved two spaces to the left.

For the past few weeks I've been training myself to stop obsessing over what the idiot jackasses might do or not do. Not to say I'm not driving defensively. But I used to find myself getting all worked up watching another driver behave like a dick. Passing on the shoulder. Weaving. Cutting off merging cars. I'd stare

Something that seems to pass a lot of people by is that driving is a privilege, not a right.