
It's not a Klyde Warren plan at all. They're actually proposing to simply remove it, and let anyone heading north use 30/635 of 30/35E. See here.

He's got that new character actor stink all over him, plus he was absolutely smashing in Chronicle

Ugh I hated driving I-95 through Philly. I used to drive that to work every day in the 90s, and when I visit now it seems even worse.

It's funny, if you ask most people from Dallas "where's I-345?", they look at you like you're from Mars, no one knows what it is. But we've all driven on it, and it's a little stretch of nightmare, always.

I just know I'm going to forget the "minor" details and try this with a bottle of beer one of these days.

Did anyone fall in love on that train?

Back in the 80's, Marvel Comics was acquired by New World Pictures/Entertainment. I remember reading an article in Variety at the time in which the studio head said they had a Marvel development slate a mile long, and man was I excited. So they made The Punisher, you remember that one, and that was it before they

The written-communication-only pairs came up, in the end, with better results.

Would "Netscape-Era" be more to your liking?

The Ser Ilyn poster is the most beautiful depiction of a beheading I've ever seen.

Doesn't the apple TV go through your harmony too? I only use my phone if I need to type.

Who needs backstories? They're angry, have access to weapons of mass destruction, and don't like spiders. I can totally relate.

They were outdated laws, anyway. We live in a progressive society, get used to it.

I refuse to watch in plain stereo, just so much sonic awesome here.

And that's after a bunch of Lawnmowers, I'll bet.

You needn't worry. The $250 million bond that was sold to the public 15 years ago has been drained drier than Lake Lavon. I hear they're planning on killing 2 birds with one chunk of reinforced concrete and just connect all of the potholes together and fill them with water.

Hey at least we're getting some nice lakes to go along with it. With sailboats!

I worked at a video store (remember those?) in the 80's and used to have fun pushing stuff like Biohazard, Star Slammer, Cyclone and Deep Space on people looking for a recommendation. It became a point of pride to talk people out of watching the Color of Money to see an hour and a half of steaming garbage. The best

And I made a decision that in the next movie I would embrace the spectacle and not be beholden to smallness. Not to reject the emotional stuff but I wanted it to be big and express and command that feeling you had as a kid reading the comics—that color and that bravado. I think in the second movie we've really