
You might do better in this situation to apologize for your clumsy sentence construction and unclear statements. The capitalized F**K did not not to a thing to deter any assumptions about your level of intellect either.

Really? io9 commenters are getting more and more youtube-like in their childishness every day. Why is this homophobic slur allowed to stand?

This is only funny if it retains the ACTION CAMUS masthead. Who would crop it off and think the the joke still worked?

Wow. What a pair of douchebags those two directors are.

Indeed. One would need to balance him with at least FIVE female creators to make up for the repulsive way this misogynist man-child draws female characters.

Wow - I bet you were a ton of fun as a kid.

HAHAHA - Look what my Trolling has engendered! This is brilliant! these are delightful ;I want to play too. The Flash needs to be in it . . . .

Imagine how much more awesome this would be if it were the Justice League instead?


AAHHH - I Sorry i am slow on the uptake tonite! You could be right of course, My opinion was also formed in the light of the following panel; the two teen girls exchange a very peculiar look, and one of them comments, "Out of the mouths of Babes . . . "

don't really understand what you are saying. I am commenting on Lee and Didio and complaining of their corporate-speak . . .so I think they don't believe their own comments . . . .ie: lying.

Yes, it would appear to be a strange choice, but I think Dc DID choose exactly that. Just as in the Pic omgwtflolbbqbye posted, the images of WW in pants that DC has released also sometimes had the lines in place to indicate shorts - as though they were prepared to change the colouring from pants to leg when they

No, this is what they looked like in the nineties.

I understood that - no need for snark.

Them pointing out that it was just a fan rumour means that it might have been a fan rumour, OR that what is coming out of their yaps now is just corporate spin.

I think she's wearing pants though . . . light coloured pants . . but pants.

You're a right miserable fooker, in't ya?

. . .and for comparisons sake to demonstrate that Azzarello was definitely referencing The Killing Joke in the above strip.

@Charlie Jane

Thank you heinrich66 for giving voice so eloquently to my own thoughts on this. The casual (and actually careless) way that "mass hysteria" and the phrase "The mania had passed" were used, without that case being made, indeed without even an attempt at that case being made, really bothered me. We are expected to just