
As usual SMALLVILLE was way ahead of all of us on this, and laid the groundwork for this villain movie spin-off in it's penultimate episode. Ladies and gentlemen of the io9, I submit that the LEGION OF DOOM movie will knock you on your ass!

It's cowhide.

Jim Lee may be no great shakes at fashion design, but y'all are flunking out on that score as well. A v-collar is something else altogether; what we have here is more akin to Mandarin collar.

So I'm thinking either Zoe Saldana doesn't speak English, she was badly educated or the quote just got horribly mangled.

How is this ridiculous story more believable than life from other worlds? I would buy the traditional story long before I would swallow this collection fevered fairy tales.

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Because I post Corner Gas every chance I get!

This article is about a bionic hand. He is talking about the response time of the bionic hand. You did notice that this article was about a bionic hand, right?

Nobody thinks that means a side of the Moon that is always in darkness. The phrase "dark side of the moon" is a lot older than either Pink Floyd or this movie, and has always only meant the side we don't see from down here . . .. ie dark to us.

Ray's a stud!!!

There we go Pistachio WildeBeast beat me to it further down: [io9.com]

This isn't quite the first study to show a positive benefit of major depressive disorder . . .although I am not able to to give an exact citation, I am certain I remember another study from sometime in the past 10 years that showed that depressives actually had a more realistic worldview than those who were not. And

Well, I like you.

Someone ought to introduce them to Lobo!

That is really something that you guys mention this, because as I was watching the video I was asking myself if it would be allright to comment about how much I wanted to jump Jack Wild's bones back then. I was 10, and I knew exactly what I wanted to do with him . .. .

So you're saying that just because some robots are poor that they can't enjoy a little oiling now an then?

There is also the J Michael Straczynski and Bryce Zabel proposal which is discussed on Zabel's page here: [bztv.typepad.com]

It doesn't you damn heathen! It stands for Harold!

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Ha good one! I would also add this number!