
I guess we can mind-canon it that the severance was what enabled them to pay off the second mortgage on the farm. 

Introducing the New Trope: Enslave your Gays! 

The glass box he’s trapped in is called a closet. Poor self-loathing creature has to cling to these Republican fantasies because they’re the only thing keeping his deluded sense of who he is together.

My guess as to what Downey and Haim have in common would be that they BOTH were traded around as prizes by this pedo ring. I’ve always had that feeling about Downey... All his problems in spite of his massive underlying kindness have signalled this as well.

... well... bad means bad, and ass is where the the shit comes out.

I love you right now.
Even weeks after I left the theatre I would well up in tears . As a Canadian I would look south and wonder what it means that so many would embrace a vision of their country’s greatest hero as a rootless, neck-snapping Nietzschean nightmare. Sociologically, there is something very chilling about

Why are we supposed to be excited about this untalented call-boy? Now whose cock did he suck to get this gig?

no. They are equivalent in Canada. In Canada, and in the rest of the world, Zero is the freezing point. Someday you USAnians will get with the program.

There is no such phrase in the English language as " based off". If you think about it for even two seconds you will understand why. Bases are ON things. If they were OFF then that wouldn't be based at all would it?

I'd be more inclined to think he was looking for some rough trade myself.

An amazing discovery was made today. It became apparent that people named andrew have never heard of either Netflix or iTunes. . .

elam - this actually sheds a little light on the situation the article is about for me.

I think most of you folks commenting are missing the bigger picture and not considering the type of folks who are likely to take advantage of something like this.

I find it hard to believe that anyone would take you to the movies.

HA - no I didn't realize. I completely missed the quotation marks around your "suggestions considered" statement. Dammit, you could come on here and tell me your the president and I would probably just take it at face value!

Suggestions? Allright here's one! Folks always love to discuss/debate/argue/fight/killeachother over who their favourite Bond is. Time to find out what Ian Fleming had in mind.

I don't understand how anything so horrific as that shit is thought to be funny by anyone. Utterly appalling.

Really? You read through all of them? Well if that is what you need to do feel good about posting mean responses, then good for you. Cruelty is not a flattering look either.

*sigh*. You see, Google is not the same thing as a CONVERSATION, which is what iwas looking for. The snark and the put downs were entirely unnecessary.

I'm curious; where does the expectation that copyright must be global come from?