
It seems like the average Star Wars Fan’s complaint is that these shows just keep giving us more Star Wars and I really wish they didn’t take the time to show us all this new and different Star Wars and just showed us the Star Wars.

Remember Lizzo? Did those really add much in the end?

Sandman for the Marvel universe.”

If I made only a small fraction of the people happy that he did then I would look back at the end of my life and deem it a success.

In lieue of flowers, please send wool or bricks.

This is the man who saved gaming.

I’ll trade you two weeps for a sheep. :(

Yeah, I just read his latest story in the March F&SF, “The Weremouse of Millicent Bradley Middle School.” I imagine that’ll be in one of the new Tachyon collections.

That’s very kind of you. Thank you.

Let’s see a show of hands for everyone fearing for the future of their careers. I think AI will be a double edged sword for humanity, it will improve the average person’s lives immeasurably, but it will also take the fun out of so many creative and technical hobbies and professions, to the point of stripping away

hey quick question: what the fuck are you talking about

it’s a typo, please don’t do this lmao

...and why he might have created this portrayal of a young girl.

Yes, there have games with worlds big enough. Many of them. And the developers had to hobble their ambitions because voice acting was too expensive and time consuming to fill them. Skyrim has over a 1000 NPCs you can speak with, and thousands more who have spoken lines. And as a matter of course, most of them used

Is it absurd by todays standards? Yes, absolutely

Is it really that hard to pay for the things you use?

Wow Linda. You took us for the whole ride. Broke the story. Covered the story. Now watch as the masses are for once victorious and probably in significant part because you blew the story up to a wider audience at exactly the right time (and kept on it!).

Change My Mind: Snyder’s best film is the 2004 Dawn of the Dead, and that’s a B.

Your mom came back for some more tonight Trebek!

My new trick to deal with these “chuds” is to evacuate race altogether and ask the real question: why does the fact that they changed her skin color bother you? Would you be equally mad if they made her taller? Gave her a bigger nose? A different hair style? Larger hips? Differently colored eyes?