
Absolutely awesome!

That was an epic reply.  Thanks for going in hard on that one.  You tossed a fireball into the room and followed it with some excellent crit rolls.

It’s astonishing to me how bad this show is. I keep falling asleep while watching, and when I wake up, characters I no longer care about are either blathering away at each other, screaming about an impending disaster, or screaming at each other. Interchangeably!

I’ll admit I snarked about the title before looking at the trailer.  On viewing?  This thing looks fantastic -- they can call it any dumb thing they like.

Personally, I’m looking forward to the sequel, Rebels of the Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes.

Oops, turned out was wrong, kinda. It was unfindable on the Comixology app on my phone, and on my books in Kindle, but I got the Comixology app working on a tablet long enough to actually find and download it. Part of the problem, of course, is that Amazon has (if you ask me) clearly tried to cripple the Comixology

Wow. Here’s a shitty thing: I bought that on Comixology back in the day, and now it’s not accessible.

Youth is no excuse. My son is 16, and he ranks Empire and Star Wars highest.

My dog likes the way you think.

Kind of unreal, right?  But I’m so happy for her.  I was out of high school when I was reading her, but it must have been good to have those Ile Rien books at that age.  

I’ve been kind of bemused by the Martha Wells resurgence. For a long time, it seemed like she was a secret only I knew about. She wrote these novels that were both tight and elegant at the same time, and nobody paid enough attention to them. When she seemed to fade away, I kind of put her in the “fondly remembered”

That’s a really good question. Here’s how I think it works, and I really hope someone will correct me if I’m wrong: When Elliot Page announced his trans identity, he was coming out as and discovering who he deep down always felt he was. Thus if we assume that someone’s identity has continuity through time, Elliot Page

Not sure if I agree regarding “unreal” and “hyperreal.” Beaudrillard identifies four phases in the degradation of the image, culminating in pure simulation: reflection of reality, perversion of reality, pretense of reality (where there’s no original), and the pure simulacrum, which bears no relation to any reality. For

My god, that’s a good idea!  It should be one somebody’s playlist.

I’m glad the season is getting a good review, but I didn’t read past the first couple of paragraphs — partially I want to avoid anything that even looks like a spoiler, but mostly because I don’t like this take that there was anything wrong with season three.

Thank you for this interview.  There are fewer shows that make me as happy as Futurama.  The combination of Juvenalian and Horatian satire, the affection for the characters, and the love for the goofiest tropes of SF combine to make it just a joy for me from start to finish.  I’m currently rewatching it with my

Been wondering this exact thing.

Wow, that was fantastic!  Because you put the work in, nobody has to engage with a troll.  Nicely done!

Good luck on that picket line! I’m hoping for a resolution to come soon, but, man the studios really want to screw you guys this time. (As opposed to all the other times — when they also want to screw you.)
