Still holding out for a Skylanders movie. Don’t judge me; those were fun hours I spent with my kid before he moved on to games that were too hard for me.
Still holding out for a Skylanders movie. Don’t judge me; those were fun hours I spent with my kid before he moved on to games that were too hard for me.
It’s a valid complaint, despite some naysayers. There was a discussion in a thread in morning spoilers this week about the lack of any deep coverage of Sandman, and it sure is a ... stark contrast.
I mean, he did describe the comics as “some delightful literary pairings.” It’s not being assigned as required reading.
It means that the idiots will have to move the goalposts and come up with another reason to be “vaccine hesitant.”
And this is not to say I don’t support thinking sensitively in terms of our language use. Use the “r” word around me and I will think less of you.
Since the “this is too sensitive” debate is already in full force, I’m not going to chime in, but I do want to make one note:
I read a while ago that people are more likely to believe in conspiracy theories if they themselves would do that thing, given the opportunity. Like — you’re more likely to believe Bill Gates is injecting you with mind-control nanofuckers if you yourself would do that in his place. I think you’re totally right that…
I’ve heard that, too, though I’ve never had a lot of success with it. I think it depends on whether or not the source of the tinnitus is objective or not. For some people, it’s essentially neurological fuzz that accompanies hearing loss or nerve damage. For me at least part of it is a real, objective sound because I…
This is very interesting. If it were pitched higher it would mimic my tinnitus, and that first part suggests it might relieve symptoms, so Imma give it a try. If it works even a little, I’ll be thanking you for years.
Okay, (A) I agree with Dan about the slideshows. They suck.
Most people
Hella good shows.
What a great piece this was. Thank you for reminding me of this gem of a novel. I probably won’t reread it — too much on the pile — but I enjoyed the reminiscence.
I feel for you. I used to do this a lot more when I was younger and less in control of that kind of feeling. One of the (million) good things about my wife and kids and job is that they exhaust me. I’ve been kind of back at it during the pandemic, though I think it’s more for the “revenge” thing this time around.
Thanks for your thoughtful reply.
I’m not knowledgeable enough to debate statistics (or really anything in this particular area). I was just struck by what seemed to me a denial of anti-Black oppression in Mexico. Full disclosure: I’m Canadian, and I see such denials here all the time. Just because other countries may have lower levels of oppression…
racial stereotypes have no meaning when you do not have the contexts of 400 years of oppression of Black people.
Okay, I did it this once because of the cool content, but I’m never in for a slideshow ever again. You’ll lose me. Please don’t do it.
Same here, but since I was a dumb middle-class white kid, I expected that now that these problems had been pointed out to me, now they would all get solved...
I see your nuanced point here, but I submit that if you were to visit the alternate universe where they used “Black lives matter too” as the slogan, you would find that they’d have just as much trouble with supremacist trolls like the one above finding some problem with the slogan and nitpicking it to derail the…