
Your mom needs to get with the late 1800s.

The Temarines originate in our world, and the south sea island their pirate forefathers landed on were definitely supposed to be in the South Pacific, so their captured “brides” must have been Polynesian. I think of the as coded “foreign” by Lewis because of their names. Not the good English Peter or Lucy of our

Damnit, Space-Hal!

You just articulated all of my thoughts on those early Micronauts issues. I kept reading, trying to get the same kick, but it was never quite the same, despite some great work from Broderick, and some good long-form mystery-building by Moench.

Agree on the Golden issue. If I’m remembering things right, I was already familiar with him from The Micronauts, and that issue was just a perfect experience, page after page. I don’t think anything can affect you quite as much when you’re older (not the way some stories and images just blast right into the heart of

... comics which I kept trying to love. Trying so hard.

Space-robot!  Open the space-door so that I can take my space-dog for a space-walk.  Have my space-food-pill waiting for me when I space-return!

I love that the cover copy so confidently name-checks Star Wars and Galactica.

I have had enough of these motherlovin’ skrulls* on this motherlovin’ spaceship.

I think it’s very rarely deliberate. Few people set out to be racist in their literature (Lovecraft arguably an interesting example). I think racist subtexts come out in all kinds of interesting ways. In Tolkien it’s partially geographic. The swarthy and dangerous races come out of the East and the South.

Thanks for the thoughtful response.

Wow. I... really should have realized this sooner.

I doubt they’ve got the guts to go back and do Isaiah Bradley, but oh, man, I wish they would.

Is it just me, or is this thing going to owe a lot to the Tom King/Gabriel Hernandez Walta Vision series?

Agreed on all counts. I have dreamed, it’s true, of a phone that could slide into a tablet that could then attach to a keyboard if necessary, or dock with a giant monitor.

That would be a step in the right direction, it's true.

Truthfully, I think what I want might be impossible.  I want at least a ten inch screen, but then I want it to fold down to be pocketable.  And 400 grams is my top weight.  I want a single device for everything.  I figure I've got a fifteen year wait at least.

I want a new kind of device. When you unfold it, it’s a chrome tablet, ready to magnetically dock with a full keyboard, but when you fold it, it’s an android phone.

Thank you so much for sharing these.  They make me happy for some mad reason -- in kind of the same way that the Endless Doomscroller makes me happy.  https://endlessdoomscroller.com/