Except that it’s the richest capitalist nation that has the greatest incarceration rate...
Except that it’s the richest capitalist nation that has the greatest incarceration rate...
Can someone explain this to me? I’m a Canadian, and don’t understand so much about this system. Here in Toronto, most kids just go to their neighbourhood schools. We have very few magnet schools — some IB programs, some special needs programs, a few specialist programs — but most kids know which school they’re going…
I’m curious as to what age people think this might be best for. I read what you said about personality, and I get it, but I’m trying to figure if it would be right for my almost-eleven-year-old. He likes his Switch, though he likes his PS4 better, especially because of the social thing. We keep him to mostly E games —…
Right on. Good on you for pointing it out. Shame on those who still can’t see it.
“It’s changed.”
This is one hundred percent brilliant, and you are handsome and cute.
But he didn’t say “hot little.” He said “little hot.” He’s an asshole objectifier who can’t even get the order of adjectives in English correct.
I didn’t mean to offend. I think that the kind of discomfort I’m talking about here may be on the same continuum as racism, but I honestly didn’t mean that as my take-away point.
I was so excited when I saw that episode for the first time.
Don’t be shy! There’s this weird thing that happens in Toronto — people think Torontonians are cold, but I don’t think that’s true. We are a little reserved compared to, say, East-Coasters or Mid-Westerners, but all it takes to crack that thin layer of ice is a friendly question. I think it comes from the extreme…
How much less? 2? 3? I bet it’s 2.
It’s okay to just be appreciative of others. Smile, applaud, compliment, high five, or even just appreciate them quietly. Encourage if you can. If you don’t feel you can be awesome in this particular sense, be au-some on your own terms.
That reason is they saw the movie Signs and have had enough of us.
Ooooh salty.
Countdown until these guys are identified and the media starts immediately running headlines about what “good boys” they are, how promising their future is, and how this one incident shouldn’t be allowed to ruin their whole lives.
Wow, that’s just about my story (even down to the new addition) except you’re about fifteen years ahead of me on the road. How’s the future looking?
I think you’re basically right. I bought some of the new stuff, hoping against hope that it’s taste could wean me off the Coke addiction that is surely killing me, but no dice. All of it tastes like slimy crap to me when I compare it to the real thing.
The availability heuristic combined with the confirmation bias.