
Exactly. I’d love to give them my money, but they seem to be insisting that I first get an expensive cable subscription and then give them money.

Kind of. But I’m leaning towards turning off for whoever’s playing at the roadhouse at the end of the episodes. And anything involving floor-sweeping.

“Sign says don’t touch it, is space machine. But what does Pence do? Touches it. Like this.”

I totally agree with you, but you’re wasting your time arguing with someone who is going to keep insisting that you’re having an aesthetic experience wrong because you’re not doing it the way they prefer. Man, you can only enjoy the poetry of Sappho if you read it on a hand-copied papyrus scroll while enjoying the

Wait, so this guy says he made a racist tweet because he still has a sad about his father fighting people in WWII?

Actually, the fact that so many Americans are resisting is really kind of increasing my respect (and affection) for you. If you can keep up the jokes, shit-talking, and never-say-die resistance for the next three years and eight months, I’ll love you all the more.

Again, my situation is probably very different from yours. In Ontario we essentially have two publicly funded school systems — the so-called “public” and the Catholic. Religious affiliation doesn’t really matter — students can choose to attend either, and most of the population is within reach of schools of both

I’m in one of the biggest school districts on the continent. We have late-start schools, early-start schools, and lots of in-between. I don’t really know what you mean by “harder sell.” It depends on what the school administration’s agenda is, and what the community will agree with.

Principals where I am (Ontario) can get the ball rolling. They’d need support from above and from the community. Mine currently has some interest in starting school a week earlier to then give us a week off in late October.

I’m totally with you on high school start times. The thing is, we all know it (I’m a high school teacher) and we all suggest it, but very few principals have the guts to try to push something like that through. The very earliest a high school should start is 9:30.

My daughter back at that age. 21 now and off to law school. I remember people telling me they thought she must be depressed back when she was in high school and still went to bed before ten. Nope. Kid just liked to sleep, and was really good at getting everything done early.

I am no expert, and am not black, so my thoughts on the matter are probably less nuanced than others’, but I want to note that when it comes to super-heroes, the most arresting use of the “enacted on black bodies” language has had to do with what Robert Jones Jr. calls “the mechanization of the black body” (https://the

I didn’t mind The Chocolate War. It was the sequel where he really would not stop twisting the knife...

That is some excellent reading taste you have. Seriously.

I was coming to post something much like this, though I might not have written it as well. Cheers.

I don’t know how many times you’re going to have to say that either — but I think it’s a lot.

I’m willing to bet that no human being will ever finish reading that sentence.

Sorry to hear of your losses. You keep at it.

Negan reminds you of Hilary Clinton? That seems a little unfair.

Top. Men.