
I remember many years ago at my middle school, the phrase, “You suck farts out of dead <insert name of animal here>” being a thing people said to each other.

I choose Themiscyra, but let’s have it ruled democratically by an elected council. Probably mostly it would be men voted into the council, but if it were ever 50-50 men and women, we could have the women each justify why they were just as qualified as a man who got almost as many votes.

I don’t see what’s wrong with what they’re doing.

Man, the more people tell me about this thing, the more nostalgic and intrigued get...

Sigh. Someday — when life is less chaotic.

Serious question: don’t you miss the bit about being in the room with your friends?

Insert obligatory timely Melania Trump snark here.

I’m a Toronto guy, and almost old enough to be the dad who should be showing him the door. I don’t think he’s all that representative. I’ve known a few people who live like this — they’re generally unhappy people whose socialization didn’t quite work out / whose parents didn’t quite succeed in fostering independence

My son (9) just got his first laptop. Anybody got some recommendations for on-sale games that would be good for that age? He likes wonder and adventure. Loves Pokemon. Kinda likes Kerbal Space Program, though it’s hard.

The thing is, he should probably always wipe, but especially when there’s a “molten core” scenario. And maybe eat better.

Short stories are good. I enjoyed The Hemingway Hoax, Old Twentieth, Mindbridge, Camouflage, The Coming. He’s a fun writer.

Short stories are good. I enjoyed The Hemingway Hoax, Old Twentieth, Mindbridge, Camouflage, The Coming. He’s a fun

Is it wrong that I want them to call their baby Eight, and refer to the baby as Baby 8? And teach it boops and whistles instead of English?

I’m gonna suggest you not post about those Mpow lights again. I bought one of them on an Amazon sale a little while ago and tried it out in my carport. It seemed fantastic, so a few days later, on an even better deal, I bought a four-pack of them.

I’m gonna suggest you not post about those Mpow lights again. I bought one of them on an Amazon sale a little while

Do he know about coastlines and access to ocean?

Ferris Bueller’s Personal Day

Literally no one?

I did not know that.

Mostly I’ll go for those judgments, but I think you have to damn the first with something a little stronger than mediocre. I mean, do you remember that mind-crushingly dull shuttle-tour around the Enterprise? Star Trek trying to be 2001 does not work. That movie was pretentious, dull and wasted a bald woman by making

I was under the impression that The Wrath of Khan was the only movie made from the Trek franchise. They called it II because the TV series was number one.