
Meant to be is right. As Seinfeld said, “Oh, I have a sense of humor. I’m just not sensing any here.”

You just made me smile out loud. That’s right — I SOLLED.

That was cool. Where does it come from?

Technically, it’s only Christmas for certain Christians. The Greek Orthodox Christmas, for example, is on the date prescribed in the Julian Calendar.


I saw it four days ago, and I must still be on a Star Wars high, because this article about goddamn droid heads is filling me with joy. Joy, I tell you.

... I am Ozymandias, troll of trolls

I have yet to see a motherboard sacrificed in order to appease the wrath of my flame wars.

Don’t sell yourself short. Commenting online is a perfectly noble use of an anthropology degree. Future cultures will no doubt assume we worshiped our most successful commenters.

I think it’s fair to say that Heinlein’s politics changed throughout his life (though he himself denied such a shift). Annalee Newitz did a great piece on this controversy just last year:

Some of the stress comes from competetive parenting. You know the deal: my kid’s going to have a better birthday party than yours, go to the zoo more times, have more crafts, be “in” more sports, have more play-dates — whatever! We do it to ourselves. Then there’s the judging of how others are doing in the competition

I go quite a while between charges. Haven’t documented it, but charging is never a problem.

I go quite a while between charges. Haven’t documented it, but charging is never a problem.

I recommend the Paperwhite. I upgraded from the keyboard this past summer. The light on the screen is terriffic, way better than a tablet for night-time reading. The screen itself is so much better that I actually find myself reading for longer periods of time.

I recommend the Paperwhite. I upgraded from the keyboard this past summer. The light on the screen is terriffic, way

All original trilogy Star Wars is great.

It’s totally impractical because it keeps getting stuck to everything, but I love my Polar Pen.

It’s totally impractical because it keeps getting stuck to everything, but I love my Polar Pen.

You got there first. After years of having this recommended to me, I got it recently and love Forbidden Island. I want to actually go to that island, dangers of sinking or no. So the Desert one is also good?

I’m sure it was unintentional, but I have to point out the funny in that you began with the statement about Asia and Africa, and then noted that you can name most European countries and capitals. How are you on Asia and Africa?

My wife says, “Yeah, drop me off. I’ll punch the fratboy looks off their faces.”

If you love the bruh who loves you, what credit is that to you? For even sinning bruhs love those bruhs who love them. Love all bruhs — except those who hang rapey signs. Get those fuckers gone, bruh.

And when I get pulled over for speeding they use thousands of dollars of taxpayer equipment to do it. Keeping the peace is what the taxpayers pay that money for. I’m an Ontario taxpayer, and I’m totally in favour of this guy being charged — it’ll make sure he doesn’t do it again, discourage him and his friends from