
I don't know that I've ever updated my Kindle, which I believe is a 2. My wife's is a 3, and she has no problem.

I bought my copy at around 10:20 Eastern this morning, downloaded it to my Kindle Keyboard and my iPad, and it's fine on both. You might want to update this post because it looks like either (a) it wasn't correct in the first place; (b) the problem has been fixed; or (c) it was not a universal problem.

Nope. Not in the same class. I couldn't even watch the whole thing. The Turkish one was a dadaist work of death-art comedy.

Well said. Suppose I was thinking of tenacious.

Fair enough, but it's going to need some pretty thick shielding to withstand millions of years of hard interstellar radiation. Millennium after millennium. I think your hypothetical 3.8 billion-year-old organisms would have to, without the benefit of much evolution, survive conditions insanely far beyond anything

Not buying it. The interstellar gulf has, surely, too much hard radiation. Anything on a rock is going to be baked, microwaved, x-rayed, uv'd so much that any but the most tenuous of molecular bonds would be broken down. Send one of those Silent Running space forests out into the void and I bet even the building

Thank-you. I think we need to include this message in a viral video. Perhaps some sensible ideas about atheism could be espoused by a cat as it turns backflips and saves a pig from burning. Then a baby could dance.

So Marvel was advertising for a "girl between 10 and 14" to be Cap's "very special friend." Is anyone else creeped out by this? I'm kind of glad the Sentinel of Liberty doesn't use Facebook right now.

I love this post. I feel exactly the same way. Paying for content seems the honourable thing to do — but it sure rankles to then be treated like the enemy by the rights-holder. I would have paid a good ten or fifteen bucks more to have Game of Thrones earlier. Or here's my favourite example: I want to read Gene

It was convincing to nine-year-old me. (Of course, nine-year-old me was just five years removed from a kid who was fooled by the Clangers, so I guess the point is I was always fairly gullible.)

Now playing

Agreed on all points. I like what Gibson once said about how he doesn't "write about the future, but about the present with the volume turned up." Also, he recommended that awesome Plan B album Cyber Chords and Sushi Stories, which really ought to get more play around here.

I love this list! Just reading the descriptions brought back great memories. Personally, I might have added that great Jon Pertwee Dalek one where the Daleks are coming back in time to kill Reginald Stiles. How about that — I remember the character name, but not the story name. I loved that one as a kid. All that

I'm glad you're not a daily user anymore. My honest experience as a high school teacher for over two decades is that pot does far more harm than good.

The question always is: how much better could you be doing if your brain was working at full capacity. (And you don't smell good: look into the phenomenon of olfactory fatigue.)

I guess if you look on it as a kind of sport it becomes amusing...

You know what's interesting to me? Looking at all the (I assume pro-pot) complainers who come out of the woodworks saying that correlation does not equal causality (as was already stated by the researchers) or that this isn't news. If, on the other hand, the study showed a correlation between pot smoking and being

Um, you just said the benefits outweigh the benefits. Should I suggest that you ... cut that? Or would that make me a schmuck? #corrections

I always thought he seemed a wise man.

And is Ernest Borgnine what you think about?

I think it's very true that current gun control laws do little good in the US. That would be why the homicide rate is so high. I do not, however, think it's true that one must hold or own a firearm in order to hold an opinion about their ownership and use. Take that to an extreme and you'd have the idea that one