Same here.
Same here.
That was an enjoyable look back. I'm old enough to remember enjoying your CM issues when they first came out.
Oh yes I did. Your mom's galaxy is so big it doesn't need dark matter to be added into the equation to keep it from tearing itself apart as it rotates.
Yo momma's galaxy is so old that it was fully formed before current models of the early universe predicted it.
Agree X 10. I'd love to see Pertwee's arrogant disdain against Spock's cool dispassion. Also: Kirk, Jo Grant and a miniskirt enter a room. Only two of them leave.
Views on this matter seem very polarized.
This, then, is the answer to the question, "How could you make Shakespeare even better?" Imagine some of the collaborations these guys could have done. With Kirby as a co-creator, I don't think Hamlet would have been so passive. Plus, he would have had a lot more explanation marks. King Lear would have had power…
I believe you are looking for Olympus Mons.
The design is fine, but who's the creepy serial killer eating that salad, and did it come with fava beans and a nice chianti?
Seriously? I've read the comments above, and people are disagreeing with you about your estimation of the watchability of Metropolis. Why is nobody taking you to task for equating it with a didactic piece of racist claptrap? I can understand wanting to make a rhetorical point, I really can, but isn't there any…
Or to think about it another way: if it takes $99 to get them into your bed, they can't be that much of a fan in the first place.
For a story that promised a fan between my sheets, this post turned out to be rather tame.
Well said.
Call me skeptical. I'm too uninterested, I will admit, to go read the whole study, but I skimmed it, and it just doesn't seem fine-grain enough. Do a comparison of Canada and the US, and you'll find a lower belief in any religion up north, combined with a distinctly lower crime rate. This study doesn't even seem to…
Witty, and I agree in spirit, but punishment is not negative reinforcement. From the Wikipedia article on reinforcement: "A negative reinforcer increases the frequency of a behavior or maintains the frequency. It is not punishment. " and "Negative reinforcement: the taking away of an aversive stimulus to increase…
I would read that. At least until the unnecessary crossover with Super-villain Coke Kleenex.
Wait, you read the story before you saw the Trek episode? Man, you're not just funny, you old! I'm dumb enough that when I read that story as a kid, my first thought was, "this is just like that old Star Trek episode."
Also: best album ever.
I'm with you in Rockland, Carl Solomon. Did you try quitting caffeine? I did. It was crap.