
I've had this infuriating tinnitus in my right ear for about fifteen years now. Lost all hearing, went to several specialists, suffered through two MIRs (one with gadolinium enhancement), and still they couldn't even tell me what was causing the hissy-ringing sound I hear every moment of the day. No improvement,

Won't be an issue for those of us with canned beans.

Now playing

The next Theatre to open would have to be called "Which" followed by "I know it not"

I'm guessing you're going for humour here. It's falling flat with me.* The broom sweeps. Lori doesn't. Someone's going once again for a cheap housework joke when it comes to evaluating a woman. There's an almost infinite number of dumb blond jokes that do the same thing. If that doesn't seem misogynist to you,

Harder to get an objective measurement on that, but I'll still agree.

If they call themselves "One Million Moms" then clearly their math is just as flawed as their science.

Here's a quick fix for a large portion of the misogyny in the comic presented here: instead of comparing Lori to a broom (and thus once again evaluating a woman on her housecleaning abilities), compare her to a gun. Thus your punchline can be how the gun is more useful at killing zombies. I don't disagree with much

I don't see the article as misogynist, just the specific graphic comparing Lori to a broom. You're definitely right that the show plays on gender stereotypes — and sometimes questions and surpasses them. Even when it comes to the graphic, I wouldn't call that level ten misogyny — but it's still kinda jerky.

I think the misogyny is as much present in what was left out of the list as what was in? What was in the list: an assignment of responsibility to "stand by your man", take responsibility for child care, remain faithful even after the death of the man, and clean the house. What was left out? Everything else.

Okay, I don't really want to get into a pedantic slapfight about this, but I really do think that the Grimm's versions are more authentic. They are closer to the source, and they were catered by researchers for whom it was important to try to chase the "ur-text." We will certainly never know that ur-text, but we can

"No more or less authentic"? I'm in sympathy with your "no original versions" point, but the Grimms were folk scholars who strove to record elements of oral culture that might otherwise have disappeared. Their versions are almost certainly different from ever earlier tellings of the tales, but I think they still


The only fix for this that I can think is to get a time machine and a de-age-ifier, and go be a kid in 1978. When you have to wait a whole week for the next 23 minutes to be doled out, you appreciate all the let's-all-split-up-and-get-captured-and-misunderstood-by-good-guys-and-bad-guys-alike much more.

I don't think Britishness is the problem with Doctor Who any more than Americanness is the problem with Superman. It is what it is. In many ways, the Doctor is the British superman. Each character's success is attributable to the character's appeal to and genesis from a set of national characteristics. Without the

Ideal Canadian doctor in 2012: Vinay Virmani.

I can't help you on free, but I use a tool from Cucusoft. It cost me about thirty bucks, and has been totally reliable for about ... five years? Something. I found Handbrake too much trouble.

This is also a map of when obstetricians refuse to work. The darkness of July 1st and 2nd is the shadow of millions of women being induced so their doctors can enjoy a nice holiday. Ditto for December 30. When you look at it that way, this is a map of the collective vacations of a quarter century worth of ob/gyns.

I'm wondering if editorial interference is the culprit in what I see as a sluggishness in some of the new 52. Even Swamp Thing and Animal Man, which I loved at first, seem to have virtually the same ending month after month — switch-around in which _everything is not okay after all_. In the meantime, the main plot

Fair enough. Thanks for the thoughts. Good luck in unloading it.

I do appreciate the offer, but unfortunately the issue is with more than just the hardware. They won't sell media (including apps, but not including books — which they will sell) for a Fire without a US credit card. I don't even blame Amazon for this one; the rights-holders do not make it easy for them to sell