
They were afraid of being smashed into a pulp or having their eyes gouged out and their elbows broken and their kneecaps split and their bodies burned away and their limbs all hacked and mangled and their heads smashed in and their hearts cut out and their livers removed and their bowels unplugged and....

It’s nice when they identify themselves, although it does take some of the sport out of it.

Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequence. I know these best buy republicans love to think they can spew hate and not have it come back at them, but that just isn’t the way life or freedom works.

HEY! I found the white supremacist!

There was a tiny bit of punches being thrown, but the Philadelphians notably didn’t have shields to hide behind.

Sounds like you’re upset your buddies are chickenshits who got chased out of town by some uppity colored folks. Where’s Matt Gaetz when you need him? He’d have stood up to those bullies from Philadelphia. If Ben Shapiro was there, he’d tower over the rowdy dozen and protect the fascists freedom to be fascist.

Seems to me that one group voiced their free speech rights, and another smaller group voiced theirs and the former ran from the latter.

riiiiiiight they weren’t like intentionally instigating people and carrying weapons

Where’s the violence? Did any of them get beaten with clubs or other weapons? Did anyone go to the hospital, or get killed? Did one drop of pure white blood get shed? Did any of them even lose their kid’s costume riot shields?

The “crowd” of less than a dozen people exposed them for the posers and cowards that they are.

Rental cars and buses are expensive to rent now. You can get a box truck to haul your bigots for @ $25 a day. The bargain basement is open for Khaki pants, Black (iworkforbestbuy) shirts and cheap transportation by Coyote level packing into box trucks.  At least they were wearing their covid masks right?

i always thought it was illegal to ride in the back.  or theyre pretty dead set against it when you rent them. 

You are right, it doesn’t have much to do with cars.

Do you have any idea how much rental cars go for these days? You gotta be rolling in dough before you can be rolling in a rental.

Ugh. I am not defending anyone. Settle down.

It’s funny how you never see liberals begging "Can we please just keep politics out of xyz?!" It's almost like we're not embarrassed and ashamed of our views.

They can’t even swing rental cars? SAD!

Well there was a rental van.

I like going back and seeing footage from the ‘60s of those and the Bedford S series toiling around the rail yards. Often times the Scarabs would be carrying just as much to the rail cars as the massive Bedfords.

It’s like a miniature Reliant Robin.

mini me