
Of course the “Androids” by White Nationalist Motors was scam. Everything about the company & Musk is scam. Why spend years on the programming for a robot when you can have an employee wear motion detectors on their wrists, hands, ankles, etc. ??? It worked in previous promotional videos after all. Why do all the resea

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Here is a quick but honest coverage of how Mr. Musk got to be so wealthy:

How can a company put out utter shit like this and be worth billions???”

That might not matter if Mr. Musk can help his fellow White Nationalist & Confidence Man, Donald Trump into office. Then Musk will some real damage, more than it has caused by his “Full Self Crashing” car feature...

Exactly, not to mention how would white nationalist motors get permission to put inductive charging in public roads outside of MAGA run Texas...

And I could put 200 people in your highlander but would need to use an industrial meat grinder...

And also cost more to keep serviced than a Ferrari...

There are 16.3 billion neurons in the cerebral cortex of a Human & 6 billion in the cerebral cortex of a Chimp. The cerebral cortex is the center of cognition...

Can you say “pump & dump”???

There are 16.3 billion neurons in the cerebral cortex of a Human & 6 billion in the cerebral cortex of a Chimp. The cerebral cortex is the center of cognition...

BTW the reports are that the Optimus robots were 100% remotely controlled.”

If it’s a scam, they always claim there is a valid reason for the delays, usually regulation, until the game ends, usually with key employees explaining how the scam worked to the prosecutors. You might even see some examples of the “Robo-Taxis” on the road in Texas or California with cheap Mexican labor across the bor

Is it just me, or does everything look like movie props???

Being able to transfer utility beds from one truck to another is important but not nearly as important as transferring ambulances bodies from one truck or van to another. As they cost several times the cost of the truck or van...

It is both a PR spin and fuel for right wing politicians who have or want non-union factories for making Toyotas & other Japanese cars. Keep in mind that Toyota doesn’t really care about the environment since they also made the V12 powered Toyota Century until recently. Like Honda they just want you to think they care

Of course he will, as he either doesn’t understand that a neural network simulation on a pc is not sufficient for making his “robotaxi” or he does and is just being the confidence man he is...

The street racer Hondas usually can’t corner or stop worth a damn...

150 mph. Which is tame compared to today, but think about it, 150 mph in a modified 1930s car with a lapbelt.”

I can’t fault a company for needing to charge for hardware”

An all wheel drive with an automatic transmission is bound to cost you money, a lot of money. Especially when you consider VW groups fall from the category of reliable imported cars...