
Unfortunately I have a good understanding of what the workers for White Nationalist Motors are experiencing. Years ago I had to work under a machinist who on the first day said “I don’t like your kind”. Being of obvious mixed European / Native Ancestry I trigger racists simply by existing. When I was listing to audio

That is what always bothered me about Clarkson, and left me wondering about the other two. As they put up with the vile that keeps coming out of Clarkson’s mouth...

You are obviously speaking for yourself...

The Lada Riva aka VAZ 2105 is an excellent platform for making a home built race car. As it is rear wheel drive, made of thicker sheet metal, has a simple design, decent room for various engines, etc., etc. The only big issue with them is the behavior of Vladimir Putin...

So when you fail to correct the Full Self Crashing system and it causes an injury accident or worse will you also be happy to serve the time in prison and to be banned from driving when you get out???

The bigger question is why White Nationalist Motors has exposed itself to major fraud case ??? Its obvious that Mr. Musk is a Confidence Man & Pathological Liar, but the board of the company is complicit. Keep in mind that people have died, including those hit by cars made by WNM making this a criminal fraud case that

My 2007 Mustang GT has a back seat for children, amputees & DOT. I have only used it for cargo or if I need to give a ride to members at church who can’t drive and reluctantly at that. One of my first cars was an MGB GT and a six foot two friend of mine actually tried to sit in the back, which was hilarious...

The Model X by White Nationalist Motors isn’t “already basically a Minivan”. It is more like a SUV at best. With its rear gull wing doors it would be at the dealer most of the time, if used as a minivan. I switched my 1978 E-150 to side barn doors because living with a sliding door was a pain, but gull wing doors is a

The problem of range is why Ford doesn’t make a passenger eTransit. My pastor asked me if we could get an electric Church Van to go with our Solar array on the roof. I discovered that the main issue is that we would have to buy a Cargo eTransit with windows and use the windows & interior from a passenger Transit.

“So you’re saying that the problem in 2008 was that this was sub-prime?”

K&N Air Filters suck a lot of dirt into your engine, so don’t use them off road, or even on road unless you want to do a .030 overbore rebuild. As for all the “camper & off road bling”, this is probably for distracting & hiding the bondo-bucket underneath. Which sucks since the J10 was the best pickup when it was

It would have been better if the Cold War solution to spying solution was used without Law Enforcement being involved. Imagine if the Rahal-Letteman-Lanigan Racing had their transmission shift from top gear to second during a race due to copying intentionally flawed tech...

Because of Imperial Japan’s ethnic cleansing in occupied China???

If someone in Japan has one great grandparent who is Chinese or Korean and the rest are Japanese, they call that person the Chinese or the Korean, if they don’t use their racist names for non-Japanese...

The Buick is the only car from an automaker that I would trust for parts & service. Granted my only experience as an import mechanic was with VW group, MG restoration, and the Japanese Makes. But 7 1/2 months for a timing belt tensioner for a Toyota a month out of warranty, no water pumps at 7 1/2 years from Honda the

Why ???

Not “cars” but rather “Pods”, as it needs to sound modern for Venture Capitalists...

Now playing

“There is a ‘Wizard of Oz’ flavor to this,” said Gary Marcus, an entrepreneur and a professor emeritus of psychology and neural science at New York University who specializes in A.I. and autonomous machines.

It would be even more fun if it looked stock. Like the old beetle on a 34 ford chassis that used to torment muscle car owners in the Detroit Metro Area...

Wouldn’t a complete running 914 or 924 be even cheaper???