The GOP almost has turned the nation into a one party state. Wait until the SCOTUS frees their Fuhrer Trump from his convictions & of any checks and balances over the next two years...
The GOP almost has turned the nation into a one party state. Wait until the SCOTUS frees their Fuhrer Trump from his convictions & of any checks and balances over the next two years...
The next step for the current SCOTUS is to decide that Corporations are more important that People and that Corporatism is allowed under the US Constitution. After that, they will be agreeing with Stephan Miller, Fuhrer Trump’s appointee to the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor that the American Citizens…
“They want it so bad, they’ve formed a party, and only party members will be able to benefit from the communal resources.”
I would expect Mr. Musk to die from his combined Ketamine, Cocainem etc. addictions...
The SCOTUS appears to be in the process of becoming the
Just keep your old car for road trips and get an EV for local use. As Hybrids are a pain to keep serviced. As you have to maintain a modern engine & pollution controls, a complicated automatic transmission, and a traction battery. [Yes, there is a reason that most of my neighbors Prius’s lasted eight years before…
“So first, cars last a lot longer than they used to nowadays so the pressure to buy is lower.” Wrong, modern cars are often not worth fixing by ten years of age. Take the crappy Pruis, most of those are dead by eight years of age here in the Northwest. Compare that to my 84 Audi 4000q, 78 E-150 wt MT & 351W, 81…
“Clearly, buyers want fuel economy and reliability right now.”
Same. Here in Portland, the target customer would also believe that “American Cars are all Vegas”, “GM is killing the environment” or some other BS. You can’t tell that type of Pseudo-Liberal facts like: GM licenced their first Catalytic Converter for Free, How we wouldn’t have modern EV’s if it wasn’t for GM’s EV1…
An AWD Automatic Hybrid Porsche with LCD Gauges, just Barftastic. That sounds like it will live at the dealership a quarter of the time once it reaches five or so years of age. While also costing more to service than it does to insure. Or in short it is a prime example of a good product becoming TechnoGarbage...
Running the compressor off the crankshaft is more efficient as it skips the mechanical to electrical and then electrical to mechanical thing. As each time you convert from one form of power to another there will be losses in the conversion. So this only makes sense if you can use waste power from electrical braking…
Andy, have you asked yourself what will happen when those front fenders slice up the flesh of pedestrians and cyclists???
But Scotty sounds like a whinny beetch and thus is too painful to listen to...
No every motorcycle needs reverse. Only larger heavy bikes need reverse, just like not every motorcycle needs a starter motor...
Soviet Design has also been a topic of mine as well. They often made very rugged but simple designs that could survive the lack of maintenance, due to limitations of their Central Committee to address this need. While the owner of a Lada Niva might be able to use the tool kit that came with it to replace a water pump…
Vladimir Putin clearly has “Dictator’s Disease”, which happens after a long period of being a dictator said dictator begins to believe their “Yes Men” and Personal Infallibility. This is why Putin never considered that the Ukrainian People might just oppose the Russian Invasion...
If you live near intersections were this is happening, may I suggest taking glass baby food jars and filling them with 1/2 roofing nails and then spray painted the jars flat black. [painting the nails flat black is also helpful. The jars will shatter when thrown into their donut area...
Just another example of “Techo-Garbage”. Why we humans insist on making things so complicated that no one person completely understands how they work. If you can’t completely understand how they work, then you can’t fully debug it...
“But enough already, can we just ban this nonsense as a threat to public safety?”