Like his dear Fuhrer Trump, Mr. Musk is a White Nationalist. Which means that they will continue to encourage hate crimes against those of us who don’t pass their racial purity tests...
Like his dear Fuhrer Trump, Mr. Musk is a White Nationalist. Which means that they will continue to encourage hate crimes against those of us who don’t pass their racial purity tests...
We have the technology to send Mr. Musk, the White Nationalist & Confidence Man, to Mars. While we don’t have adequate radiation shielding or an adequate life support system, in his case it would be a plus...
Not to mention the radiation issue which can be worse than zero G. As the SpaceX capsule has limited shielding and we are nearing a Solar Max...
Unfortunately not, he isn’t as intelligent as his fanboys think he is. He just takes credit for other people’s work...
I have encountered worse dealer service managers:
As a former mechanic I have to say that how in the hell do you consider Toyota the “gold standard”??? Their disposable cars often are junked for minor problems, like a bad power steering hose in case of the Lexus RX300, due to the obscene amount of labor it takes to fix them...
Toyota is probably trying to come up with a way to deny most of the claims for their blatant defect. They are also likely attempting to find a way to change the defective bearings without removing the engine due to the insane amount of time it takes to work on their products. All their quick fix has to do is outlast…
The problem is that Fuhrer Trump and his minions have removed the Fiscal & Social Conservatives from Congress so they could be replaced with mentally challenged White Nationalists like MTG. I seriously doubt that the upcoming election will be fair. As people like Stephan Miller will make sure that there will be…
Carefully duct tape Mr. Hudson to the drivers seat before it gets crushed...
Considering that Mr. Segal is a friend of Dobby the House Elf, otherwise known as Vladir Putin, too bad that was a movie...
Or heat was an issue...
Why not just ban him from driving for life and have a veterinarian neuter them to prevent them from making more sociopaths a holes???
“No going to live in that tin can.”
Exactly, he should be banned from driving for life and be neutered by a veterinarian so that he can’t breed more sociopaths a holes...
Do you believe that his ex wanted the flat black finish??? After all, she married the tosser...
Not if he was duct taped in the drivers seat when it gets crushed, or in the trunk when it goes into the Shredder...
“Take his license, crush his car and make him watch.”
“I’d expect people to take it out on the car, not the person... where does he park it?”
Nah, if you really want to stop him, tell him next time that he will be neutered by a insomniac veterinarian who lives in one of the neighborhood were he revs his engine at 3 am. At least it will prevent him from breeding and act as a deterrent for others...