
That or each other... Remember the southern value of keeping it in the family...

Exactly. The only reason for wanting video games in the car is if they can be played by the annoying back seat passengers. Since tablet computers can fill that role, children can already play their video games in the car...

Imagine if Tesla survives the recall & destruction of the Cyber Trash Mobile and post Musk, drops the Full Self Crashing scam, focuses on updating their cars so you don’t need to use a touch screen in the middle of the car to set the climate controls. Furthermore by making a deal with Recarro for better seats, and

Because they were conventionally programmed based on the results of Simulated Neural Networks. If you attempted to add machine learning to the cars then the processor would indeed be the issue. However, without machine learning then you essentially won’t have self driving...

If your Chrysler minivan had a Mitsubishi drive-train you bought a lemon. As the Mitsubishi drive-trains were used in about 25% of them, but represented over 75% of the warranty claims...

If your Chrysler minivan had a Mitsubishi drive-train you bought a lemon. As the Mitsubishi drive-trains were used in about 25% of them, but represented over 75% of the warranty claims...

Andy, sorry about the length, but this is why Tesla always knew their Autopilot or Full Self Driving was a Scam:

Why Tesla always knew their Autopilot or Full Self Driving was a Scam:

You are ignoring the new cause of wrong way drivers: GPS or Cell Phone Navigation. I have had maps on my iPhone tell me to drive down a one way street multiple times. The main cause is that using Cell Towers or even GPS being off by a block or two...

but can we get some hate for these gangs of motorized nerds?”

While we don’t currently have the technology for the radiation shielding or life support systems necessary for interplanetary travel, that shouldn’t stop us from sending the White Nationalist known as Elon Musk to Mars...

The “Anti-Tesla “articles” on Jalopnik” are automotive journalism, perhaps you should go to Tesla Fanboy sites...

Mr. Musk claimed that his son came up with the design for his CyberTrashMobile, but actually it was Musk who thought it would be cool...

You didn’t know??? Mr. Musk actually does have two necks but thirteen fingers...

Your breath, your breaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggghhhh.....

Many Tesla owners are trying to get rid of their cars because Mr. Musk has gone full White Nationalist. The catch is that few people want to buy them...

Unlikely, as all Bolts on the road have the new battery. No one is buying cars from White Nationalist Motors anymore, due to Mr. Musk outing himself as a White Nationalist on X...

Tesla takes forever to supply parts as well as service customers cars. While some Tesla owners will tell you that they never need to service their cars, I have heard the same from Honda & Toyota owners over their car with a timing belt and other service requirements.

The catch was how Takata airbags were degrading. As most of “the relatively small number” that cut the drivers jugular vein occurred in climates with high temperatures, so the problem kept getting worse as the defective airbags aged...

I usually check my emails while on my autopilot commute to work (1hr 30min drive)“