
Actual libertarianism is not at all a broad category; it's a philosophy that says it's wrong to be the first one to use force (fancy name: the Non-Aggression Principle). So murder is wrong; pre-emptive war is wrong; the War on Drugs is wrong because the government is initiating force against drug users; the welfare

Re "Instead, in my country, libertarianism, in the original meaning of the word, has been skewed to mean anyone who makes kneejerk apologies for capitalism and minarchism."

It's not, which is why if somebody is a right wing libertarian, you actually have to say "right wing libertarian" rather than just "libertarian.

YES. There really is no such thing as a right-wing Libertarian. Libertarianism has at its root the most essential expression of reason possible in politics: the concept of the non-aggression axiom, specifying that no one may initiate the use of force against another. When applied consistently, one finds oneself

The popularizer of TANSTAAFL ate more than his share of subsidized meals.

The US accounts for 37% of the military spending on the entire planet. I'd start there.

A tremendous overreaction, Robert. It was one pithy slogan, not a campaign. It wasn't a "campaign" against science, it was a pithy slogan that meant "we're all natural with no chemicals or added preservatives or whatever". The construction of the sentence matters. They are telling their customers that their cups are

Can we replace the running of the bulls with the running of the baby goats?

Every single one of them is my favorite.

"Humans Socialize Like Dogs"

That's true, no question. Sadly, the gender/race issues aren't the only issues in this particular game, much as we might wish it were otherwise. I'm no veteran game designer, but there are a lot of things I (and by the sounds of it others) would have done differently.

Just make Prince Doran and Oberyn twins! Problem solved.

Black Mirror. It doesn't just show the dark side of life and technology, it shows the side that your mind doesn't want to go to, that you protect yourself from seeing. That said, it's amazing and worth watching if you can take it.

You've got it the wrong way around. FBI doesn't subcontract much work the way that the military and NSA do. This is probably the reason the FBI is talking about something like this at a big press conference in the first place. It lays the groundwork for subbing out some FBI functions by putting it on record that