I hate it. I watched for 7 hours in a row. Terrible.
I hate it. I watched for 7 hours in a row. Terrible.
You two should have a fight about it. Maybe use knives.
I’m sorry, no, Pop won’t be able to do that because I’ve already planned out his post-NBA career pretty comprehensively. He’s going to retire from coaching and move directly into the White House, where he will drop kick Trump and the rest of the horror show into the toilet and then flush them to hell where they belong…
I’m a Rockets fan. I’ve never had a scenario in my life as a sports fan where I love a coach as much as I love Pop, respect a team’s incredible two-decade-plus run of consistent greatness as much as I do, and hate the fucking team as much as I do. Pop is better at the thing he does than just about anyone alive is…
I think Under the Dome is probably his worst ending: It was extra-terrestrial toddlers basically putting the town in an ant farm. blech.
Draymond is an established prick for countless reasons. This is not one of those times.
Except OW doesn’t lock Tracer or Reaper behind a loot crate.
“Jerry Rodshoffer. 945 Summit St.
It should have been you, Zack Hample.
If you tuck in your Hawaiian shirt you should be kicked out of anywhere you go.
Somewhere, Dusty Rhodes laughs.
Well, WNBA voting is done by fan balloting. In addition to a mother and father, Schimmel has a sister, so that’s usually enough votes to push through.
Today’s winner of That Guy
I mean...Look, I’m 35, and I can tell you right now if I had the opportunity to flip a button and only battle other people in muh online gamez who were my age or older? I’d flip that bitch in a second.
Wouldn’t you?
30 IS senior for CS Pros. I’ve seen the videos. I’ve got a job and a wife, man. Ain’t nobody but…
Fair enough. Re-written in American:
Is this “Let’s forget some guys!”
Schedule a brain autopsy. Tomorrow.
My first modem was also 300 baud but it was shortly after the acoustic coupler. I really wanted one, too, since Wargames was super popular amongst the nerd crowd at the time. I also wanted one of those boxes that spoke for your computer, which apparent wasn't a thing at the time.