
These conservative reactions, and their candidate of choice, all reinforces that conservatives are mostly amoral people unconcerned with anyone other than themselves. This is childish and gross. The worst part is, the election of Trump reinforces them. 

I got mad when they took out messages from the FB app and deleted it, and never went back.

I was relieved when I didn’t have that long cord trailling down to my pocket, and I imagine I’d also feel relieved when I don’t have that cord sticking to the back of my neck.

I keep trying to resist the urge to buy a pair, but have held off so far.

As a “big city commuter”, taking my bag on and off with the earbuds there is a hassle. Also enjoyable to run without accidentally pulling the earbuds out of my ears.

I’ve also rarely had a set of earbuds that lasted more than 8 months, but now I want to know what brand you use.  

Welcome to the Republican future! Where government won’t/can’t do anything, and we rely on the whim of billionaires to help fix basic infrastructure and address safety concerns.

When l used a notebook; all my notes were mixed together, I had 2 or 3 notebooks, and I’d rarely revisit old pages. I would also eventually throw away old notebooks when cleaning. With digital I have several “notebooks” divided by subject matter, titled, and dated appropriately.

Physical notebooks made it more

I don’t think people are not NOT engaging on that. Yet the question remains, should you be able to pay to win, and should these companies be able to exploit those who end up spending thousands, to potentially subsidize the rest of the players? And like this post stated, what does that do to the actual game? It clearly

As you can see, your post leads to a nuanced discussion about the issue of email use in government. Which wasn’t really in the cards for Hillary. It was....emails bad. Yet the same people who had such a passionate gut reaction, will not have it here.

So your assertion is that despite trans persons being killed and assaulted for being trans, while under criticism and rejection by friends and family, while dealing with the concept that they’re “mentally ill”, has no effect on suicide rates because “black people”?

You’re also stating, that the problem is that they

Remember the good old days? When the government relied on research and had a plan for policy changes, as opposed to just tweeting whatever pops into your head?

I actually just clicked comments to find the people complaining about this. You delivered.

There’s enough low cost rush decks that will kill off a guy with a lot of legendary before they get close to using them. That and RNG is strong in this game.

People agree that he can decide what is top secret, yet people also agree he didn’t follow typical protocols, people are concerned with the repercussions, both for national security and the safety of informants. Trump is responsible for those actions and repercussions. Gizmodo and everyone else can rightly criticize

1) Because it’s boring. It’s been on for decades, mix it up even a little bit. Breath some new life and interesting perspective into this.

I don’t know what my brain was doing, but I thought this was an image of a gooey chocolate chip cookie.

I disagree with everything you said. She wasn’t “offended” as much as noting it. I’m from Texas, I can see being annoyed as a Texan character being portrayed flat character who just loves football. Although many people in Texas do love football. It’s just lazy and relies on stereotypes of Texans. And as a Texan, I

This reads: I know everyone’s super excited about dance parties, but I like going to work.

She clearly cites and understands the Brazilian influence, and states that it still makes her somewhat uncomfortable. She’s entitled to feel that way. Especially considering it does touch on stereotypes.

I keep reading about how everyone loves this skin and all I can think of...is that he looks a little neck-beardy.

When I was a wrestler in high school, I could go from 138 one day to 133 the next. Although, not in a health conscious manner.

Post wrestling, I never wanted to see a scale again.