
One of my favorite parts of the game, are the text portions. The writing is descriptive and compelling. At first I was kind of put off that the text didn’t match the NPC, but eventually it just felt like reading an old text RPG/MUD.

Pin-up models/art fit the aesthetic. She’s not actually going to space. I guess you can debate if they should use that imagery.

Don’t worry though, most people in wasteland still look like homeless vagabonds.

I like how this is proactively inclusive. It’s not complaining about a lack of diversity. It’s not changing something that already exists through protest. It’s just thoughtful and inclusive from the get go...

Way too many people blame politicians when a lot of the time the problem is the voters they’re listening to.

Now playing

My favorite of this genre, was Ground Zero Texas.

On IOS, if you click the color shader and drag your finger across the screen it will give you different hue options. It’s how you can get black and white.

Kotaku gets money through ads. Apparently, Destiny posts gets more clicks and unique visitors than City: Skylines. Trying to fight against a company on what they do to make their business viable, is a fruitless fight.

These luxury buildings don’t live in a bubble though. They end up having an effect on the rental costs of other buildings.

From the development standpoint, this drives me nuts about New York. So many places, storefronts, apartments, stay empty because owners want to get that higher rental. Partially, because their

For a moment I thought that the picture of the baby, was a picture of the urine detector and I was wondering why people were checking their babies foreheads for urine.

For a moment I thought that the picture of the baby, was a picture of the urine detector and I was wondering why

I tend to think this kind of thing, is less about being clever or nice, and more about...”Hey we have a hundreds of thousands of NPC’s and are running out of names and have a legion of bored geeks working for us.”.

True story, I was playing Counter Strike during 9-11. I was extremely confused because I just thought people were referencing the video game in chat.

You just readjust it, press it a few more times, then just throw in whatever you have left into what you’re cooking.

You just readjust it, press it a few more times, then just throw in whatever you have left into what you’re cooking.

I recently made a stuffed sugar pumpkin with chili, and I was profoundly disappointed in how bland it was. Glad to see I’m not alone.

To protect myself the next time someone steals my phone...

I love how uppity and defensive non-vegetarians* get about this, a thing which has no apparent effect on them and includes a process they knew probably didn’t even know about.

*I’m also not a vegetarian.

Truthfully, the only thing I care about with a keyboard, is if it’s water resistant and cleanable.

I can’t be the only one who enjoys a beer with a game. And inevitably one will fall.

This should be retitled, “Heroes of the Storm Babies It’s Old Players Who Start Over From Scratch With An Extra Account”.

It’s the only gaming AND console company with a pure gaming agenda...which has caused fewer people to buy their console and thus fewer people to play their games.

Nothing better than companies making it more difficult for you to give them money.

Nothing better than companies making it more difficult for you to give them money.

By purposefully trying to bend their phone.