
I have six cards in mine and it reaches the edge of the recessed area.

I put two cards in, tipped it over and they slid out. Three mostly stayed in. But, the elastic is used to holding six. New strap costs $3 from the Machine Era site.

Green Arrow in the streets (background is photoshopped :X)

That movie had so many good elements in it! But they just...never molded into a coherent whole. I tend to also "blame" the whole putting Depp, Farrell, and Law to replace Heath Ledger in those scenes.

I know I'm probably the odd man out for wanting a new one, but the Ipod Nano hasn't been updated in 393 days.

Wait, this little guy is supposed to convince me I don't want it as a pet? I think it's backfiring.

I was hoping that the apple watch would be a good "fitness tracking" device, but they ruined it for me. I was hoping the watch could stand alone, track my workouts, play music, and then sync with my phone when I came back.

Instead, I'm not not only supposed to work out with my clumsy phone but a watch too? No. I can't

I already choose my way to go.

As someone who works at a university, I think Career Service offices don't get wide use. They can be helpful at connecting you with companies, internships, and just having professional development programs.

It's something people too often wait until too late to use.

I gave up in physical media. I live in NYC, I have limited space, and some of the heaviest things to move are the boxes of books. So it's over. I'm just not nostalgic over the paper medium. I don't need to show off what books I have.

I enjoy being able to spontaneously buy purchase an ebook on sale, and have it

Ewww, look at that bread turn icky. I'm going gluten free.

I really don't understand this. I don't want two apps. First Foursquare, now Facebook? Just make an app and make it great. Stop forcing me into multiple apps. I bet some of these will end up ignored by their developers.

I know, but they never do. For example, they need the blue section, or they'll just fall out. For me at least.

These bullet type earphones always end up annoying me. If they don't have that little plastic piece that braces against the ear, they just fall out all the time.

Because of fans, because Night vale is a weird place, because he seems to know some things without physically being present, third eye representing psychic abilities, because of the logo.

This just sounds like your shoe is too big and/or need difference socks.

I use Nike Free Run's and this isn't the case for me.

For every bike I've purchased, I add those myself.

I'm rather disappointed in most of the original deal sites. Places like Woot, Fab, Gilt, they used to have a small selection of curated daily deals.

Now they're just jam packed with merchandise, most no longer seem like deals, and I don't even see the use of going to the sites rather than just using Amazon or

Maybe you're an older man than me, but growing up in the 80's and 90's it was rather common for water parks to put you into tubes on water rides. Even beyond safety concerns, I bet that if you did this "single-body" it would hurt. You still touch the bottom of the slide and hit all the bumps.

This could have happened when she leaned over to talk to or hug her friend. She's not an idiot. This has nothing to do with selfies. It was just a random incident.