
I think it will succeed...partially just because it's in Instagram. I haven't wanted to use Vine because I'm tired of new apps that do one thing.

Yet, I have Instagram. I have a sizable following. Now I have it all teed up to do video if I want. It has a longer time than Vine. It has more visibility than Vine. It

I have to go through my mom, have her sort through whatever cutting she's done while scrap booking. :\

I don't know...whenever I go to Best Buy and browse the televisions I'm shocked at the difference in screen quality between televisions, set right next to each other. There's no difference in presentation or angle.

And sometimes, I know I wouldn't want to spend that much money on something and figure out that it

I'd say one more thing, whether you like it or not, this is clearly not something any current artist would have produced. Kanye could have done a crowd pleaser if he really wanted.

Obviously, he was trying to do something different/random/weird, which is admirable, even if you don't like it.

In the story I've heard about the making of this album, is that it was purposeful.

That he had made the album, gave it to his producer, and he thought it was really unfinished. Instead of working to give it more, "likability/playability" they further stripped it down.

I got the same vibe from you. That you were more interested in praising your own religion, and bashing others that didn't fit your perspective as "wrong".

I was a devout Christian for the majority of my life, and it was only after reading on comparative religion and comparative mythology that I found Christianity just

To me, all of Christianity is based on an arbitrary rule. You get to go to heaven, if you go by this specific method, which is through this Jesus fellow. But don't listen to these other rules that other religions tell you to follow, because this Jesus one is the right one.

It's just another hook to force people into

I think one reason people get uncomfortable with this topic, is that it can be used to make excuses.

I have already seen people argue, that you shouldn't work out, because if you work out you will lose your will power to eat healthily. Thus, you will never lose weight/get in shape.

Well, if you think like that, it will

Although, Judasim doesn't make you go through "hell" hoops like Christianity does. Then you get all sorts of rules to follow with Catholicism.

That whole "rule following" argument thing you said is mostly subjective and mostly BS.

Although, if you want to talk about "sense"...religion shouldn't be your go to subject.

I mean, I don't think it's a trite complaint.

I was obsessed with LOTR as a kid, then I watched all the movies earnestly. Now, I can't get myself excited enough about one book to sustain it over the course of 3 years.

At this point though, if I want more puzzle, quick, simple games, I'll go to my phone or ipad. Possibly a $5 game on Steam.
If I want to get lost in a complex, environmentally rich, in depth, story driven game, I'll go to my xbox.

And my Wii has sat gathering dust. I feel like they're in an awkward stage where they'll

I was wondering the same thing, wouldn't this waste battery life?

Maybe if it was my primary computer, I would agree. But for a laptop designed for portability and battery life, I am fine without the retina.

I imagine this is more of an item that would be sold on ThinkGeek for the person who wants something interesting in their home. Not mass produced and installed by you.

...and they still can't process or digitize veteran's claims?

I usually get in arguments over sunscreen use. This didn't really get to the reason why I usually complain.

What I usually say is, is that people overuse sunscreen now. That things have generally swung the other way with people who use sunscreen. They wear it every day, regardless of their exposure to the sun, and

Am I slow or just ill informed, because I don't understand how the Xbox integrates with the television.

How does the Xbox have access to your TV? Is it streaming television from the internet? Is it accessing the TV feed and moving it through the Xbox? Is that something newer TV's can do?

I just know that right now, if I

Also don't forget, once some of these things have been developed and regularly made....the cost will start to drop precipitously. Particularly with inventions like phasers.

It's like the old breeding experiment that Russia conducted with foxes.

After generations of breeding, human friendly foxes, they began having dog-like physical and behavior changes.

There's some inherent link between the genes and behavior in domestication.
