
If it helps, I figure US Weekly is pretty far down the list of media outlets that got Trump elected.

Took her 5 years and $160,000 (not including any donations received after Kickstarter) to deliver what amounts to 16 critiques of Lets Play footage of video games on YouTube.

I can’t wait for the comments on this one.

Tales of Zestiria doesnt let you stream or take pictures at all expect for some side quest area but I don’t remember anyone freaking out over that. Is this different soley because persona 5 is a bigger title?

3: Bethesda’s Razor - if it can be explained by being a glitch, this is the most likely explanation. :P

No. Never snipe in airsoft. Travel time for the bb’s is too long, which means you have to really, really lead. There is a substantial dearth of quality airsoft sniper rifles available, with most being sub $200 hunks of junk that can’t hit a soda can at 30 feet.

Also, most milsim’ers that I know are a bunch of

Yeah, that headline may be one of the funniest things George Lopez has been in.

check again

Beat me to it.

Counterpoint: It was fantastic and I want more of the same.

Hey, thought it would be worth pointing out since it wasn’t in the article, not ALL of VGCW is dying out. The female division, WVGCW, is still going to go forward beyond when VGCW ends and is actually going to move on to WWE 2K17 in spite of the lack of story creator; creative found a way to get around it. And one of

Does the game still run like shit on a i7 and SLI GTX 1070?

InB4 he abandons this game too. 

Is this a game review or a diary entry? What is this? Is this supposed to be informative or helpful for your readers?

Not only is this despicable, it’s testament to how ignorant and stupid these cretins are. Bad animation can be the result of slow tools, unfriendly tech, limited staff resources, and countless other factors (including but not limited to the fact that getting human faces to feel “human” is really friggin’ hard). That’s

Call me crazy, but I actually like this system. The game Egg, Inc. had a similar idea and I used it about 4 or 5 times. I just saved up a significant amount in the bank reach time I broke in it. It got me enough premium in-game money to buy all of the premium items. I actually get everything in the game (and

Then again, Sonic was never good