
We believe our readers are intelligent adults capable of making such choices for themselves, independently of us.

Kotaku reached out to Siragusa for comment but did not receive an immediate reply.

Came for the detailed explanation about what QoL changes PC players should, and should not, expect from the title.

I laughed.

I’m a solo game developer who created a completely original and unique title in the Unity engine. Zero assets were flipped.

Hahahaha Killing Floor 2's “recent” Steam rating has slid down to Mixed thanks to this. What an absolute idiot. Pro-life and you make video games about killing zombies. Solid “political” view there buddy.

Didn’t it turn out that the “10-year plan” was just Bungie’s 10-year agreement they signed with Activision? It was never actually related to the development of Destiny.

What I’ve heard much less about, if anything at all, is what Far Cry 6 does to prevent itself from feeling like another gory vacation to an exoticized country created by Canadian studios under the umbrella of a French company.

Metroidvanias are Action Exploration Platformers.

Can we just hire Levar Burton and get it over with?

In lieu of the conversation surrounding adult content, how it’s advertised, and how it’s consumed, there are two other conversations that have been completely ignored in the coverage of this game that I just want to very quickly point out to anyone who may have skipped over it because bad writing.

For those who are curious: It takes about 13-14 hours to 100% the game. There are a couple of really hard-to-solve puzzle items out there and some of the backtracking can get a little tedious when you’re down to the final 5-10 hidden items but over all I loved the experience and the 100% felt rewarding, even if it

I miss original Fortnite. It had really great music, a great voice actor, and a fun little story with decent progression. Then some major patch overhauled it, made it worse, and now it’s never going to be free to play and is completely ignored by the company that developed it.

All the more reason to fucking shoot them.

I feel like there’s a Chinese propaganda story just waiting to happen amidst all this.

Yeah, fucking unionize guys. It’s so easy. Just fucking do it. C’mon, it’s not complicated. It’s free to do, the tools are there, the game plan is set, let’s do it. Let’s just fucking do it! Let’s unionize! Wooo! It’s SO EASY. C’MON! DO IT! IT TAKES NO TIME OR EFFORT AT ALL! EVERYONE WANTS IT! WHY HAVEN’T WE DONE IT

It’s also not even remotely a reflection of the truth. Siragusa is, according to basically everyone who has collaborated with her, one of the hardest-working streamers in the business. On Twitch she puts in 9-15 hour days, every day, and with the aid of only volunteer moderators and a couple assistants, puts out

I planned on asking Ross “RubberNinja” O’Donovan a few questions, such as why he’s doing this (aside from subs), why anyone would do this, and just basically shouting, “WHY?” at him until something happens.

It’s not so much “he set up a macro” as it is “he has a looped recording of himself triggering Voice Attack, a program that will press a key if it hears you say specific words, going from his speakers to his microphone.” He, smartly, refuses to set up an auto-clicker as that may be against ToS.

If Legion proved anything to me, it’s that the studio that made Watch Dogs 2 needs to be the only studio that makes Watch Dogs.