
This is what needs to happen with every game that dies. An open-source community-driven experience could have saved everything from The Matrix Online and Metal Gear Online to The Tomorrow Children and Desksplash. It’s a damned shame when a game needlessly disappears to the past and I’m glad Riot games allowed this to

I think one of the more hilarious parts about this, which you should include, is that Step 5 also typically has Bungie admitting guilt and that the players did indeed figure out something wrong with the game.

When you consider that 22% (citation below) of men cheat on their wives, perhaps it’s less “the guy is an asshole” and more “the guy is the 1 in 5 of married men who cheat on their wives.”

Then consider how few of those men are willing to go up in front of an audience of hundreds of thousands, openly weep while

Although I think Zelda is GOTY, Taro’s use of the word “Shonky” is changing my mind.

I feel like this “laser tag” mode would be a hit if Bungie would just learn (re-learn, since they used to know this during their Halo days) to make fun playlists instead of the boring crap that current composes the Crucible.

“We have shown, not just around the state of Alabama, but we have shown the country the way that we can be unified,” he said.

More than once I’ve had people ask me if this game was like Rust and whether or not you could get naked so....

Half-step. I’m glad that there was finally enough outrage (wasn’t enough during Destiny 1, unfortunately) to get Bungie to budge but this is, in the end, a half-step.

Didn’t realize they gave DJ Dougpound creative control over a Hollywood film!

Metacritic doesn’t matter.

Right, that’s why Horizon needed to be some other year. The competition was stacked, which includes Mario. I’m not saying Horizon would have won if Zelda didn’t come out, I’m saying it would have won if it was, I dunno, 2016 instead.

Edit: Ah never mind.

I’m sad Horizon Zero Dawn couldn’t come out some other year when it could win but the competition was fierce and Zelda deserves its spot.

It’s because people want to feel powerful with their powerful guns in PvE and whenever that ends up happening, it also ends up being overpowered for PvP. Thus, Bungie nerfs it due to PvP and it stops being powerful in PvE. It’s a valid complaint for a loot game. It’s also why Blizzard never bothered to really put much

I complained about this when the DLC hit Destiny 1 and I refused to buy it.

I’ll admit it. When I first saw this article, I was hoping you would be reviewing the “game” that the guy streaming a PPV UFC fight was “playing.”

So... not related to Noby Noby Boy?

I swear to god, The Division has kept putting out massive updates at the worst fucking times. Someone should look up what dates these patches came out and what game releases matched them because this is not the first or even the second time this has happened.

The entirety of FFX is bad voice acting. Tidus doesn’t deserve the hate when the whole game’s cast deserves it.
Not that any of them really actually deserve it; it was the game’s first foray into voice acting and the process of doing translated dialog was too new for the company.

The “whoops” call by the player in game at the end sums that up perfectly.