
I chose to review it because, as I said in the second paragraph, I was hoping that Takahashi and crew would make something I enjoyed more this time around.

Oh hot diggity do I remember those JRPG manuals. I read them on the toilet, which is where I would be playing this game if I had the time but I don’t even have time on the toilet to play this game.

When I wrote how much I enjoyed the mother’s take on the matter and how Epic bungled their suit, I got some negative responses insisting that the kid actually invented and sold the hack, which was nowhere in the original article.

If there’s an internal notice to any and all developers who model Toad that they specifically are not allowed to render him having a full head, that’s gotta be one of the funniest internal directives I’ve ever heard of.

As our enigmatic software engineer, Victor Amos, who stays coming with references that will blow your damn mind, observed: “His office prolly looked like the courthouse in Nothing but Trouble.” He supplied a video to help us picture it.

How about the fact that PC players got 6 less weeks to obtain the things that are going to disappear once Season 2 hits, probably causing (in certain mindsets, forcing) quite a few folks to dip into the microtransaction market? Nobody cares about that, eh?

Welcome to the reason why I don’t think Hitman deserved as much praise as it got. If you’re going to dole out this exclusive contract shit, cycle it. Don’t permanently remove it forever.

Angela’s belief that time could be turned back was “a manipulation” in Whiterose’s terms. In other words, there is no longer any cool secret at the base of this plot. It’s merely Whiterose manipulation. Honestly, as soon as she revealed that, I lost all hope that this show would do something interesting as it is now a

Imagine if politics came under as much scrutiny as speed runs.

Agreed but if that’s all true, it’d be nice if the article I was commenting on included said important information. I’m just writing based on what the article’s got.

“This asks the question: how do we preserve experiences tied to online features?”

First, I like that you assume I’m blaming Epic for people cheating. Nope. I blame Epic for not knowing the proper steps to take to curb cheating and instead resorting instantly to litigation.

I’m not seeing any part of this article that mentions the kid being a creator of a hack other than “(and were allegedly associates of)“ but that said, yes, they should have filed against his legal guardian but they should have done that first, not just throw a suit at any name they can get their hands on. It’s called

Hahahahahaha fucking amazing. I absolutely love that the mother basically handed Epic their own ass on a platter. Smart fucking head on that woman. Mom of the damn year if you ask me.

Wink if you should stop doing the “wink if you should” headline.

Wink if you should stop doing the “wink if you should” headline.

Nah, Necropolis is more rogue-like (not much in the way of progression) with poor combat (so say reviews) and no dungeon modification/sharing/finding-rare-shit mechanics that I’d want out of a Chalice Dungeon game.

As usual, quality video Leo! Keep up the awesome work!

Damn man. This just makes me want an entire game based around the Chalice Dungeon scheme but without the difficulty of end-game Bloodborne. I got all 3 endings but damned if those Chalice Dungeons don’t rip me to shreds.

How about invisible boxes where you just buy what you want?

Love the original, can’t wait to get around to playing the sequel... but no mention of load times?