
So... basically due to some kind of news scheduling, Reggie found this out from Nintendo HQ, couldn’t directly tell anyone, and instead put out some anger-inducing message about how people shouldn’t buy from scalpers while also failing to provide proper reasoning for why... only to have his proclamations be useless

Plenty of debates have cropped up among people reacting to the situation. Some have debated what is acceptable to say during aggravating gameplay moments. Some argue that keeping certain words out of your vocabulary should never be an issue, while others admit that they, too, have said regrettable things while

It’s weird as fuck but I get the very distinct feeling that Alec is referring to something that is an inside joke between him and her but he’s sorely mistaken about her understanding it and fails to sound normal.

I like the dungeon, I just hated that it had to be in Final Fantasy XV. Most of my trouble traversing the dungeon was relating to wrestling the shitty controls into submission.

Sounds like another case of ignoring what users want in order to make more money. Stay classy, Bungie!

Nope. This is all freely accessible data and Nintendo doesn’t do shit about it. This is why Wii and Wii U hacking is so damned easy, people literally just go into Nintendo’s servers and take the data because Nintendo doesn’t (and as far as I know, can’t, due to architectural reasons) secure it.

Jeez... and here I am telling people not to use “because Japan” as an excuse for things but then this kinda statement comes out.

It’s not the first and it won’t be the last but it sure as hell IS one of those. :(

Nothing surprising here. I’m way more interested in hearing what the late-game does differently from Destiny 1.

If you don’t walk, you don’t get points. Should be the easiest and quickest fix.

So with the explanation of characters here, does that mean all these new characters in the beta are supposed to be unknown? I recall some woman in a ship, some other ghost names like Failsafe... these aren’t from DLCs as they certainly weren’t in the base game, right? Just waiting to be learned about in the new title?

My pleasure. As someone who is extremely picky about music in general, being able to have a game with 5+ musical tracks to fall in love with is a rarity I have to share when I can. :)

Now playing

Looks like someone with good opinions is making a good Kotaku article. Time to spice it up a bit!

It’s worth mentioning that it’s highly likely all of these weapons were in the game since launch but are being trickle-released in order to keep the game alive for longer than the post-launch period typically affords. It’s a great tactic but one that I feel only Splatoon and a few other games could currently get away

Now playing

FYI If you’re a fan of Vinesauce you can see him show off what a bunch of equipment looks like in this little corner:

Just here to confirm all of this. The Odd Gentleman are the reason this game is so delayed.

I barely ever follow or followed sports but I did enjoy the Yankees growing up because my parents enjoyed them, so I thought it was hilarious reading this headline and thinking “oh, shit, that’s right, I totally did inexplicably love someone in sports! Darryl Strawberry!”

Just wanna shout out and say thanks for not saying “your favorite” and correctly stating “our readers’ favorite.” The fewer assumptions you make about me, the better!

Just wanna shout out and say thanks for not saying “your favorite” and correctly stating “our readers’ favorite.”

2 things.