
I will continue to intentionally mispronounce Bubsy’s name.

Remember 2 things with me, and laugh.

I was hoping for something that wasn’t anything like his previous games. Oh well! Should be fun to watch at *GDQ.

I already inadvertently follow this rule. Basically any time I fall into a hole of thinking about an embarrassing interaction (which can range anywhere from a few minutes ago to a few decades ago) I shake my head, laugh, and throw the memory into the vortex of the back of my brain where it shall spin around unthought

Mario Kart AI, as far as I know, has never not cheated.

It’s like the writer never had proper hot sex. WTF?

New 2D Metroid that doesn’t try to fuck the original formula.

This is true for studios that have a develop-1-title-at-a-time schedule, which is not what we’re talking about. MMO/Games as a service studios can stay constantly in the black.

Sadly, the way businesses work, you have to constantly be spending the money you’re earning. It’s for reasons I can’t recall, I’m not a business person, but I had it explained to me once and it’s basically some kind of bullshit on the same level as “3 quarters of small negatives and 1 quarter of giant positive is a

Er... the point of being on Trump’s council was to council him. AKA: Change his stupid mind and make him take correct course of actions where it counts, ignoring what he says and making importance of what he does.

“I wonder if they’ll ever just come out and say that people who win rate games high and people who lose rate games low,” I said to a friend the first time I noticed this.

If you’re one of the many people who didn’t like my comment, you’ve given in to the fear. Stop giving in to the fear. Trump voters gave in to the fear. World governments and news networks command you to continue giving in to the fear.

I agree. Every other super hero has had a series of absolutely awful video games, Wonder Woman deserves one too!

Yeah it’s pretty obvious based on how quickly he did it and steely-eyed he was going to the settings. It was definitely a rage move. I love how Tanukana looks at him like “oh... uh...”


So because they found the 1 idiot, everyone else has to suffer. Yep, classic.

Their servers literally couldn’t tell the difference between a legitimate connection or a hacked connection despite having a fleshed out account system. That is a stupid problem to have and that is why I use the word stupid. Nintendo, in general, have been very bad and dumb with how their network works. They are not

My only problem with these being photoshopped is that they literally do not look real to me. At all. It just looks like a re-render of the game.

Ditto. Nintendo was stupid to ever let hacked systems work with their online services and this is just a fix to their own stupidity. I see nothing wrong with it.

“some games begin loading world data during the unskippable company logos at the start of games”