
It’s anecdotal but I saw this syndrome in action growing up and I hated it. I wanted multiple girls to be my friend but whenever they got together, they’d change. They’d become completely different people than from what I knew of them on a one on one basis. It was super annoying and never made sense to me.

Fuckin’ DOXED

Salt and Sanctuary and Dead Cells have both taught me to “wait and see” for anything claiming to be 2D Dark Souls. Salt and Sanctuary because proper balance and interesting gameplay are hard to achieve, Dead Cells because it is totally possible for a game like this to be fantastic.

Watch Dogs and Assassin’s Creed 3, both considered the biggest disappointments in their genre upon release, are “headliners” now?

What was better was watching the family gleefully post to social media “On our way to the lawyer!” in a very “Can’t wait to make bank!” kind of way. Like, hey, a fucked up thing happened to your kid... maybe don’t act so happy that this is some kind of chance for you to get rich and famous?

I truly hope someday we humans can figure out the proper difference between cultural appropriation and cultural representation. Thank you for taking the representation route, the Internet needs more positive folks like you.

Item acquisition is, unfortunately, the highlight of this game, just below the pretty graphical theme. The combat, unfortunately, is a bit of a lowlight. See, the issue with this game is that enemies will sometimes have the same windup for two or even three different attacks. They also have unpredictable AI, which

Here’s my big question: Do players of Destiny 1 have any way of receiving their “good boy, you played Destiny 1" rewards on the PC version?

Yeah but Luigi should be giving the finger. ;)

I believe this article needs additional information regarding the fact that you can buy an Action Replay for Amiibo to simply emulate all amiibo that have been, and will be, released. Full management on your computer with the ability to edit the Amiibo as you see fit, so that they can have save data downloaded from

It’s about who ate the last piece of cheesecake? That is infinitely worse than who killed someone or who got laid, the only two options for this game.

Is that “Light of Hope” supposed to be the hope that this is an actually good game?

You ask:

I love that Martian girl went from “total asshole who needs to calm the fuck down” to “comic relief” in a single season. Stuff those cucumber sammies down your gullet, girl!

Although price is the biggest factor in why there aren’t consumer grade Hololens sales yet, another big factor is the view size. You may recall that the Hololens doesn’t actually work on your whole view but rather within a box in the center of your view. This is something that will be increased with time due to better

Not only does Factorio deserve its top spot (it worked its way through my personal top list of classics in short order) but it’s coming rather close to version 1.0 and leaving Early Access very soon. I’m super delighted to see it in this list. Its main reason for having such a high positive rating, other than the fact

I believe, fundamentally, the most important compliment I have for Dead Cells (which, btw, is worth every penny it costs to play in its current state) is that the really awesome maneuvers and action pulled off in the very impressive trailer are all extremely easy for me, the player, to pull off in the game.

Man, sure sucks that the world isn’t so black and white, huh?

This is mildly humorous because it didn’t spark nearly as much debate when the Just Cause 2 MP mod did exactly the same thing.

If I didn’t know any better—and if I took Square Enix’s message literally—I might just call it quits.